- 🔭 I’m currently working at Diskominfo Wonosobo
- 🌱 I’m currently learning PHP, javascript, HTML, CSS, Vue.js, Laravel 8, Boostrap, Mysql
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate as IT Programmer especially in laravel and vue.js
- 💬 Ask me about anything
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected], Whatsapp / Telp : 085157392291
1. STMIK SUMEDANG | Bachelor of Information Technology | Sumedang 2012-2016
- GPA 2.88
2. SMA N YOS SUDARSO MAJENANG - CILACAP | IPA | Majenang 2009-2012
1. KSP DIAN MANDIRI | IT SUPPORT & IT PROGRAMMER | Tangerang 2019'April - 2023'Feb
- Support the IT needs of all employees both Hardware and Software
- Support maintain all IT assets Management
- Perform system monitoring and maintenance
- Hands on the installation of computer equipment and software
- Handling troubleshoot in networking
- Make design software and technologies(such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Coreldraw)
- Take multimedia with equipment such as DSLR / Mirrorless Camera
- Operate Live streaming with OBS Studio
- Make Program/Aplication with language : PHP Native, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, Vue.JS, Laravel 8 And Database server : Mysql
- Aplikasi Doorprize Karyawan tools : PHP Native, Javascript, mysql
- Lottery application for all
- Report Winner
- Aplikasi Absensi Anggota Koperasi V.1 tools : PHP Native, Javascript, Mysql
- Management of attendance of members online
- Report Attandance
- Aplikasi Barcode Surat Referensi kerja tools : Php Native, Javascript, mysql
- Report Reference Employes
- Aplikasi Absensi Anggota Koperasi V.2 tools : Laravel, Javascript, mysql
- Management of attendance of members online with ipaddress
- Report Attandance
- Website Company Profile | OnProgress tools : Vue.js, Laravel, Mysql
- data management to be introduced to the user
2. KSP DIAN MANDIRI | Marketing | Bandung 2018-2019
- Offer loan products to prospective customers
- Provide basic training education about cooperatives
- Bill and ensure there are no arrears
- Make daily reports on customer payments
- Management and archiving incoming and outgoing mail
- Arrangement of administrative staff tasks and other technical personnel
- Prepare teaching materials according to qualifications
- Monitor student progress
- Provide reports on teaching activities at school to the school
4. Magis Cinematography | Graphic Designer | Sumedang 2016 - 2017
- Taking pictures at weddings and pre-weedding
- Edit Photos wedding and pre-wedding