If you use this model for published analysis please cite the paper which first describes the model:
Kukla et al., (2019). The sensitivity of terrestrial d18O gradients to hydroclimate evolution. JGR Atmospheres.
If you use this model for educational purposes and would like scripts for pre-loaded demonstrations or interactive tutorials in R please contact [email protected]. Also, check out this animation demonstrating model output.
For any questions or assistance with running the model please feel free to contact me ([email protected]).
Make sure all files are located in the same working directory. The only file the user needs to adjust is ModelRUN.R. Other scripts include constants and functions required to solve the model`s set of equations. Info on these scripts is as follows:
Function to build an idealized topographic domain with a gaussian or witch of agnesi mountain.
Set of physical constants required in the model calculations.
Functions that solve water cycle relationships to initialize the hydroclimate solution.
Functions to handle equilibrium isotope fractionation (kinetic is handled elsewhere because it is dependent on the hydroclimate solution).
The ordinary differential equation functions for the hydroclimate and isotope solutions.
The main function that reads in all other scripts and returns the model solution.
The following packages are required to run the model and generate figures of output:
Calculations (absolutely required)
- pracma
- rootSolve
Figures (only required for plotting code that is already written)
- ggplot2
- ggpubr
- ggthemes
- scales
**NOTE: the ggplot2 package requires R version
Accessory (not required but used if loaded)
- tictoc