You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
- SQL Server
- .Net Core 3.1+ Application
- Azure DevOps Account
PM > Install-Package AzureDevOpsTracker
Once the nuget is installed, update the Startup.cs OWIN file of your .net application with the code ahead:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddAzureDevopsStateTracker(new AzureDevopsStateTracker.Data.DataBaseConfig("[CONNECTION_STRING]"));
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
For the Azure DevOps Service Hook Integration, it is necessary that your application has/have two EndPoints to receive a POST HTTP Request with a specific Json. These endpoints will receive Workitems data when it is created or updated.
public class ExampleController : Controller
private readonly IAzureDevopsTrackerService _azureDevopsTrackerService;
public ExampleController(
IAzureDevopsTrackerService azureDevopsTrackerService)
_azureDevopsTrackerService = azureDevopsTrackerService;
public async Task<IActionResult> WorkItemUpdated([FromBody] UpdatedWorkItemDTO updatedWorkItemDTO)
await _azureDevopsTrackerService.Update(updatedWorkItemDTO);
return Ok();
public async Task<IActionResult> WorkItemCreated([FromBody] CreateWorkItemDTO createWorkItemDTO)
await _azureDevopsTrackerService.Create(createWorkItemDTO);
return Ok();
public IActionResult ReleaseChangelog()
var changeLog = _changeLogService.Release();
if (changeLog is null) return new OkObjectResult("There's no WorkItems waiting for a ChangeLog");
var message = _changeLogService.SendToMessengers(changeLog);
return new OkObjectResult(message);
public IActionResult CountItemsForRelease()
var count = _changeLogService.CountItemsForRelease();
var returnText = new StringBuilder();
if (count == 0 || count == 1)
returnText.Append($"{count} Item");
returnText.Append($"{count} Items");
return new OkObjectResult(new { data = returnText.ToString() });
catch (Exception ex)
return new OkObjectResult(new { data = ex.Message });
For more informations and an example about the Azure DevOps Tracker in a Azure Function, visit our repository Azure DevOps Function Tracker.
The same steps has to be done to “WorkItem Updated”.
In Azure Devops Process Configuration Page is possible to edit the WorkItem fields. To the ChangeLog be functional, one field called exactly by "ChangeLog Description" needs to be created.
When some WorkItem status change to Closed and there is some text in ChangeLog Description field, this WorkItem will be waiting for a ChangeLog.
It's possible to know how many items are waiting for a ChangeLog through the method IChangeLogService.CountItemsForRelease()
In the Controller example above, the Action count-items-for-release
has this responsability.
To release a ChangeLog, the method IChangeLogService.Release()
must be called and, if you want to publish then in some Messenger we have support, the method IChangeLogService.SendToMessengers(changeLog)
need to be called.
In the Controller example above, the Action release-changelog
has this responsability.
To make it easier to use ChangeLog, we recomend to use the site https://shields.io/ to create a button that display the number of items waiting for ChangeLog and when click it the ChangeLog is released and published.
Shields.io Button example:
[![Button](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?color=%237bd1d7&style=for-the-badge&label=RELEASE%20CHANGELOG&query=%24.data&url=[YOUR API URL]/count-items-for-release)]([YOUR API URL]/release-changelog)
The result:
To the correct use of ChangeLog in Microsoft Teams and Discord, a Webhook needs to be created. For more informations about how to create a webhook, see:
Discord: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Usando-Webhooks
Microsoft Teams: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/webhooks-and-connectors/how-to/add-incoming-webhook
Microsoft Teams ChangeLog message example:
That’s it! Now all changes made to WorkItems will be automatically saved in the database and your team will have an automatic ChangeLog!! 🎉😍
dbo.ToTime(AVG(t.TotalWorkedTime)) as AvgTime,
dbo.ToTime(MAX(t.TotalWorkedTime)) as MaxTime,
dbo.ToTime(MIN(t.TotalWorkedTime)) as MinorTime,
dbo.ToTime(SUM(t.TotalWorkedTime)) as SumTime,
AVG(t.TotalWorkedTime / 60 / 60) as AvgInHours
from WorkItems w
join TimeByStates t on t.WorkItemId = w.Id
where 1=1
and w.IterationPath = 'Sprint 12'
and w.Type IN ('Bug', 'Task')
group by t.State
dbo.ToTime(t.TotalWorkedTime) as TotalWorkedTime,
from WorkItems w
join TimeByStates t on t.WorkItemId = w.Id
where w.IterationPath = 'Sprint 12'
and w.Type IN ('Bug', 'Task')
and t.TotalWorkedTime > 60
and t.State = 'Active'
order by t.TotalWorkedTime desc
We have a DataBase with a public user to help you test the Azure DevOps Tracker in fully working!
- Server: tcp:sql-azure-devops-tracker.database.windows.net,1433
- Database: sqldb-azure-devops-tracker
- User: public_user
- Password: @Adt123456_
Azure DevOps project link that is connected to this database: Azure Devops - TypingHard