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UCC management

The UCC lives in several repositories within the UCC23 organization and in its associated Zenodo repository.

  • The main UCC database along with a single file with all the identified members are stored in the Zenodo repository

  • For each entry in the database there is a corresponding entry in the ucc repository in the form of an .md file. This repository also contains most of the files required to build the public site

  • The eight QXX repositories (Q1P, etc.) contain the .parquet files with the identified members for each OC (in the datafiles folders), as well as a few plots per OC (in the plots folders): one with the four diagrams, one for Aladin Lite, and plots for the HUNT23 and/ot CANTAT20 members when available. The plots are loaded by the public site from this repository.

  • Finally the updt_ucc repository, this one, contains the scripts and data files required to update the UCC (mostly) automatically

Update procedure for the UCC

To add a new database to the UCC catalogue and generate the required files, the following steps are required. Most of the process is automated.

First script

The first script is called

  1. Save the new DB in csv format to the databases/ folder

The format of the name for the DB is SMITH2024 or, if required, SMITH2024_1. The name of the DB must not contain any non letter characters except for the _ required to differentiate DBs with the same names published in the same year.

  1. Add the article name + url of the new DB and the column names to the [New DB data] section of the params.ini file.

The new database must contain a column with all the names assigned to a given OC, a column with RA, and a column wit DEC values. Columns for Plx, PMs, and/or Rv are not a requirement. Columns for any fundamental parameter and their uncertainties are not a requirement either.

Once these new DB file and its parameters are in place check carefully both the JSON file with the entry for the new DB, and the generated CSV file.

Second script

The script handles the following tasks:

Prepare the DB

  1. Checks if the new database is already in the JSON file.
  2. Validates the new database's name.
  3. Validates the new database's year.
  4. Checks for required and non-required columns.
  5. Checks for special characters in the name column (; or _).
  6. Replaces empty positions with NaNs.
  7. Adds the new database to the databases/all_dbs.json JSON file.
  • Files edited: databases/all_dbs.json, new DB (empty spaces, naming, etc)
  • Files generated: None

Check format and issues

  1. Checks for duplicate entries between the new database and the UCC.
  2. Checks for nearby GCs.
  3. Checks for OCs very close to each other within the new database.
  4. Checks for OCs very close to each other between the new database and the UCC.
  5. Checks for instances of 'vdBergh-Hagen' and 'vdBergh' (must be changed to 'VDBH' & 'VDB', per CDS recommendation).
  6. Checks positions and flags for attention if required.

The position flags are handled as follows:

Is the OC already present in the UCC?
    |         |
    v         |--> No --> do nothing
Is the difference between the old vs new centers values large?
    |         |
    v         |--> No --> do nothing
Request attention
  • Files edited: None
  • Files generated: None

Generate a new UCC version

This process updates the current UCC_cat_XXYYZZ.csv catalogue with the OCs in the new DB. The 5D coordinates are not updated if the OC(s) is already present in the UCC.

  1. Combines the UCC and the new database.
  2. Assigns UCC IDs and quadrants for new clusters.
  3. Performs a final duplicate check.
  • Files edited: None
  • Files generated: zenodo/UCC_cat_XXYYZZ.csv (updated date)

Generate members' datafiles

If no new OCs were added by the previous script, this process is skipped. New OCs are identified as those with a nan value in the C3 column of the new zenodo/UCC_cat_XXYYZZ.csv file.

  1. Constructs a KD-tree for efficient spatial queries on the UCC.
  2. Processes each new OC by:
    • Generating a frame for the OC.
    • Applying manual parameters if available.
    • Identifying close clusters.
    • Requesting data for the OC using Gaia data.
    • Processing the OC with the fastMP method.
    • Splitting the data into members and field stars.
    • Extracting members data and updating the UCC.
    • Save members .parquet file in the proper Q folder
  • Files edited: zenodo/UCC_cat_XXYYZZ.csv
  • Files generated: QXY/datafiles/*.parquet

General check of new UCC

Run checks on old and new UCC files to ensure consistency and identify possible issues for attention.

  • Files edited: None
  • Files generated: None

Third script

The above steps prepare the files for the updated version of the UCC. The following steps apply the required changes to the site's files.

8. Generate new Zenodo files

Run the script

This script will generate the files that are to be uploaded to Zenodo. These files contain all the UCC information.


  • Files edited: None
  • Files generated: UCC_cat.csv, UCC_members.parquet,README.txt

9. Generate new clusters entries

Run the script

This script will process the entire UCC and generate an md file and plot(s), for every OC for which either of those files do not exist.

It will check if the new entry changed compared to the old one, and it will update it only if it did.

For each processed OC that is missing either of those files:

  1. Generate a .md entry, stored in ../ucc/_clusters/
  2. Generate a plot (two, if aladin plot is also generated), stored in ../QXY/plots/


  • Files edited: ../ucc/_clusters/*.md entries (if there are changes in the new UCC)
  • Files generated: ../ucc/_clusters/*.md + ../QXY/plots/*.webp (if files are missing)

10. Update site's files

Run the script This script will:

  • update the file used by the site
  • update the tables files linked to the above file
  • update the ../ucc/_clusters/clusters.json file used for searching in


  • Files edited: ucc/_pages/, ucc/_pages/, ucc/clusters.json
  • Files generated: UCC_diff.csv

UCC public site build

Before updating the live site, generate a local site build and check the results carefully. To build a local copy of the site we use Jekyll, see Jekyll docs. Position a terminal in the /ucc folder (not the /updt_ucc folder) and run:

$ bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental

This will generate a full version of the site locally which can take a while. For a faster build, avoid processing the files in the _clusters folder. To do this open the _config.yml file and un-comment the last line in the exclude: section:

# Exclude these files from your production _site
  - Gemfile
  - Gemfile.lock
  # Un-comment to exclude for faster processing in a local build
  - _clusters

IMPORTANT: comment the _clusters folder in the exclude: section of the _config.yml file before moving on.

Live build steps:

  1. Push changes in each of the QXY repositories (if any)

  2. Create a 'New version' in the Zenodo repository

2.1 Upload the three files stored in the zenodo_upload/ folder by the H script 2.2 Get a DOI 2.3 Add a 'Publication date' with the format: YYYY-MM-DD 2.4 Add a 'Version' number with the format: YYMMDD

Publish new release and copy its own url (no the general repository url)

  1. Update the file, use the Zenodo URL for this release

Every change pushed to the ucc repository triggers an automatic build + deployment. Check carefully before pushing.

  1. Push the changes to ucc repository


Scripts to add a new DB to the UCC catalogue







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