NMEA0183/NMEA2000 library. NMEA0183 → NMEA2000 → NMEA0183
Reads GPS messages from NMEA0183_In (Serial3) and forwards them to the N2k bus and to NMEA0183_out (SerialUSB)
Also forwards all NMEA2000 bus messages to the PC (Serial)
Forwards also wind data from N2k bus to the NMEA0183_out
To use this example you need both NMEA2000 and NMEA0183 library installed.
The example works with default settings on Arduino DUE, since it uses board second USB SerialUSB. That can be changed by definitions on the beginning of code. Note that on DUE SerialUSB blocks for some reason, when you close the port on PC, so the whole program stops. It continues, when you open port again. If you do not need NMEA2000 messages forwarded to PC, define Serial for NMEA0183_Out_Stream and comment line: #define N2kForward_Stream Serial
Example reads NMEA0183 messages from one serial port. It is possible to add more serial ports for having NMEA0183 combiner functionality.
The NMEA0183 messages, which will be handled has been defined on NMEA0183Handlers.cpp on NMEA0183Handlers variable initialization. So this does not automatically handle all NMEA0183 messages. If there is no handler for some message you need, you have to write handler for it and add it to the NMEA0183Handlers variable initialization. If you write new handlers, please after testing send them to me, so I can add them for others use.
Example also reads NMEA2000 messages and forwards them to defined N2kForward_Stream - Serial as default.
For NMEA2000 message handling and forwarding to NMEA0183_Out there is only sample N2kWindDataHandler defined on N2kWindDataHandler.h. For each new handler you need to create handler class for it and call NMEA2000.AttachMsgHandler(&<handler class>); as for N2kWindDataHandler at end of setup()