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Test Cases for Email Sign Up For Individuals Form

sunnyhero edited this page Aug 13, 2015 · 8 revisions

Note: QUnit can be used to automate the test for future. In addition, the jquerry.validate.js has its own automated unit tests so that we can copy the syntax and apply to our codes.

Open the email-sign-up-for-individuals.html on a browser and using these following test cases to test the form validation.

Test Data Descriptions Expected Result Pass/Fail Comments
Don't fill in any fields and click on "Submit" button Error messages appear next to required fields which are fields with a * Pass
Jane Type Jane in the Legal First and Last Name field and go to the next field Error message is changed to Please enter your first and last name Pass
Jane Doe Type Jane Doe in the Legal First and Last Name field No error message shows Pass
604789423 Type a less-than-10-digit phone number to the Phone Number (Day) field Error message Please specify a valid phone number appears Pass
1017878787 Type a 10-digit phone number with INVALID Area code in the Phone Number (Day) field Error message Please specify a valid phone number appears Pass
6041878787 Type a 10-digit phone number with INVALID Central Area code in the Phone Number (Day) field Error message Please specify a valid phone number appears Pass
6042118787 Type a 10-digit phone number with INVALID Central Area code in the Phone Number (Day) field Error message Please specify a valid phone number appears Pass
6044567878 Type a valid 10-digit phone number in the Phone Number (Day) field No error message shows Pass
778.724.0826 extension 0 Type a valid 10-digit phone number with extension in the Phone Number (Day) field No error message shows Fail Remove the current phone's validation because it does not accept phone with extension. Suggest that should add another field for phone extension for form enhancements.
ab Type an invalid username which is less than 3 characters in the login field Error message Please eneter a username started by a lowercase letter and between 3 to 8 either letters or numbers appears Pass
janedoe12 Type an invalid username which is more than 8 characters in the login field Cannot type more than 8 characters in this field Pass
janedoe Type a valid username which is between 3 and 8 characters in the login field No error message appears Pass
12345678 Type an invalid password which contains no letter in the password field Error message Please enter a password with at least one letter and one digit. You can use these characters in your password as well ()'#.,-/ \ and space appears Pass
testingt Type an invalid password which contains no digit in the password field Error message Please enter a password with at least one letter and one digit. You can use these characters in your password as well ()'#.,-/ \ and space appears Pass
test Type an invalid password which is less than 6 characters in the password field Error message Your password may be between 6 to 8 characters appears Pass
test12345 Type a valid password but it is more than 8 characters in the password field Cannot type more than 8 characters. Pass
test12345 Type a valid password which contains at least one letter, one number and is between 6 and 8 characters in the password field No error message appears Pass
01011980 Type an invalid birthday which contains no "/" among month, day and year in the Birthday field Error message Please enter your birthday in format MM/DD/YYYY appears Pass
13/01/1980 Type an invalid birthday that its month is more than 12 in the Birthday field Error message Please enter your birthday in format MM/DD/YYYY appears Pass
12/32/1980 Type an invalid birthday that its day is more than 31 in the Birthday field Error message Please enter your birthday in format MM/DD/YYYY appears Pass
01/01/1997 Type a birthday of a person that is less than 18 years old in the Birthday field Error message Please have your parent or guardian sign up for your account appears Fail This date validation cannot detect users that are less than 18 years old. This is a future improvement for Birthday validation codes
01/01/1980 Type a valid birthday in the Birthday field No error message appears Pass This validation could not check the day for moths that only has 30 or 28 or 29 days. Suggest that should implement a date picker instead for form enhancements
test Type an invalid keyword to the Current email address, mothers maiden name, or another keyword field No error message appears Pass
D1B 2A9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
d1b 2a9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Fail Need to fix the codes for filling out lowercase d. Need to limit the field's maxlength to 8 characters
F1B 2A9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
f1b 2a9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
I1B 2A9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
i1b 2a9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
O1B 2A9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
o1b 2a9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
Q1B 2A9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
q1b 2a9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
U1B 2A9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
u1b 2a9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
W1B 2A9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
w1b 2a9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
Z1B 2A9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
z1b 2a9 Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
0H0 H0H Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
0h0 h0h Type an invalid postal code in the Postal Code field Error message Please enter a valid postal code appears Pass
H0H 0H0 Type a valid postal code in the Postal Code field No error message appears Pass
H0H 0h0 Type a valid postal code in the Postal Code field No error message appears Pass
H0H0H0 Type a valid postal code in the Postal Code field No error message appears Pass
H0H0h0 Type a valid postal code in the Postal Code field No error message appears Pass
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