Since we stopped using puppet for our infrastructure, we are not going to maintain this solution anymore.
A puppet module to easily deploy piwik. Make sure you have a correct php5 installation. This module only downloads the latest piwik archive and extracts it to a given path.
You may have to install php5-fpm
(via puppet-php) and configure your
web server (maybe with a puppet nginx module).
This module is as simple as possible. You should be able to choose your own php installation. This is my own, which works quite find, as I find:
- First I install the nodes/php module.
puppet module install nodes/php
- Using this module I install the necessary php packages. For serving php I use php-fpm with nginx.
class { 'php::extension::mysql': }
class { 'php::extension::mcrypt': }
class { 'php::extension::gd': }
class { 'php::fpm::daemon':
ensure => running
Then I install piwik. See [[Usage]].
At last you may set up your vhost. This is depending on the server module you are using. I use my nginx fork
class { 'piwik':
path => "/srv/piwik",
user => "www-data",
Please note: After the first installation you have to initialize piwik by bootstrapping the database. For this use the setup gui in your browser according to the piwik installation manual.
LoginLdap is a plugin to enable ldap authentication.
Just make sure you have php-ldap
installed. Either via a puppet
module like nodes/php
or via the package resource.
Then use:
class { 'piwik::plugins::loginldap': }
Want to help - send a pull request.