Pong game made with Python and Pygame.
Start screen gives the opportunity to choose a human or a computer player. If a computer is chosen a difficulty level is chosen too. You also get to choose your paddle color.
The right paddle moves up and down with arrow keys up/down and the left paddle moves with the W/S keys. If a computer is chosen as a player the paddle moves on its own.
The current score is kept at the top of the screen and the first to get 5 points wins the game.
After a score a new ball is generated in the middle of the screen having a random direction.
Every time a paddle hits the ball the speed of the ball increases by a litte.
The end screen shows up after the first player gets five points. The winner is shown on the screen.
You can start a new game or quit the game here.
Note that the new game need two presses to activate due to a bug I didn't have time to track down. Let me know if you find it..