I want to learn Devops as I have noticed It's an emerging field. I have watched roadmap of Devops and noticed that most of the tools of devops are made in Golang. So I made a practice project to learn basics of golang. Created Web Server in Golang
🌱 Golang is statically typed but feels like dynamic(e.g you don't have to specify the variable's datatype)
👯 Golang does not strictly support object orientation but it has lightweight OOP
- 💼 Go lang has methods to implement Object oriented Programming
- 🥢 Go Methods are similar to go functions with minor difference
- 🔧 Methods Contain a reciever argument in it
🤝 Golang has concurrency which makes him faster than any other language
👌 Fast compiled time
There are four types of data structures in Go(arrays,slices,map,struct):
- 👍 Arrays are used to store fixed numbers of elements.
- 👐 In Slices, no need to specify length
- 💪 Maps are key value pair to an element.
- 😍 Structs are go's OOP
$ git clone https://github.com/waleed318/Golang-getting-started.git
For this Project I have used mongoDB. Here is the complete documentation
$ cd Golang-getting-started
$ go build
$ go run main.go
@Data science, python devloper, tech enthusiast, learning devops
💬 Ask me about Python, Data Science
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