42 Algorithm Project
The push_swap project is a very simple and highly effective algorithm project: data will need to be sorted. You have at your disposal a set of int values, 2 stacks and a set of instructions to manipulate both stacks.
This project contains 2 programs:
- The first, named checker which takes integer arguments and reads instructions on the standard output. Once read,checker executes them and displays
if integersare sorted. Otherwise, it will displayKO
. - The second one called push_swap which calculates and displays on the standard output the smallest progam using push_swap instruction language that sorts inte-ger arguments received.
- sa: swap a - swap the first 2 elements at the top of stack a. Do nothing if there is only one or no elements.
- sb: swap b - swap the first 2 elements at the top of stack b. Do nothing if there is only one or no elements.
- ss: sa and sb at the same time.
- pa: push a - take the first element at the top of b and put it at the top of a. Do nothing if b is empty.
- pb: push b - take the first element at the top of a and put it at the top of b. Do nothing if a is empty.
- ra: rotate a - shift up all elements of stack a by 1. The first element becomes the last one.
- rb: rotate b - shift up all elements of stack b by 1. The first element becomes the last one.
- rr: ra and rb at the same time.
- rra: reverse rotate a - shift down all elements of stack a by 1. The last element becomes the first one.
- rrb: reverse rotate b - shift down all elements of stack b by 1. The last element becomes the first one.
- rrr: rra and rrb at the same time.
Compile checker: make bonus
Compile push_swap: make
checker: ./checker 0 2 3 1
then program's waiting for user input
push_swap: ./push_swap 0 2 3 1