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AIRM CCB15 2021 Nov 30

BL Choy edited this page Dec 7, 2021 · 3 revisions


2021-November-30, 13:00-15:00 UTC, Microsoft Teams


  1. Welcome and tour de table
  2. Approval of the agenda and minutes of previous meeting
  3. Review of open actions
  4. Change request status and agreement
  5. Outcome of ICAO IMP#2
  6. Update AIRM-FIXM coordination
  7. Planning - Next AIRM release
  8. Miscellaneous - AIRM website and AIRM CCB organisation
  9. AOB


  1. AIRM CCB#15, by AIRM CCB Secretary

Take away (TT-AvData)

  1. AIRM version 1.1.0 covering IWXXM 3.0 will be published in Q1 2022, and expected to be endorsed by IMP by Q3 2022.
  2. Change Request (CR) involving IWXXM 2021-2 will have to put onto the work plan by Q3 2022. Tentatively be approved by the AIRM CCB before publishing by Q1 2023, and endorsed by IMP by Q3 2023. This will be coordinated by Choy and Dirk in WG-MIE.
  3. The time taken from CR to IMP endorsement may tie in with the 12-18 months AIRAC cycles as mentioned in the proposed revision to workflow so that the related Annex 3/PANS-MET requirements and IWXXM schemas can become applicable together with the completion of AIRAC. This will be raised for further discussion in WG-MIE.


  • Members of AIRM CCB, including Dirk Zinkhan and BL Choy
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