These are utilities, that are silly. sillytilities
GUID PLEEEEEASE! Generates a random guid and copies it to the clipboard.
usage: guidpls [-h] [-n] [count]
Generate and copy GUIDs to clipboard.
positional arguments:
count Number of GUIDs to generate (default is 1)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n, --nocopy Do not copy GUIDs to clipboard
Hate when random website or applications steal your precious JWT token? Well fear no more. This will read the JWT token either from your clipboard, or pass it in as the first argument. Then it will decode and display the contents to the console.
usage: jottin [-h] [token]
Decode JWT tokens.
positional arguments:
token JWT token to decode
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Add the exe
directory to your PATH variables. This will allow you to call all sillytilities from anywhere, just follow the usage guides.