This software was only tested on linux (archlinux).
- cmake
- a c++ compiler that support c++11 features
- Boost
- OpenCV
Tested with:
- gcc 7.1.1
- Boost 1.64
- Opencv 3.2.0
Command lines used to compile the software::
mkdir build
cd build
This will generate an executable named reprocessing
./reprocessing -c config.ini
with config.ini a INI configuration file.
A python3 server and client is available to manage multiple instance of the optimization software. The server generate multiple parameters for to generate multiple INI configuration files, and distribute those parameters to clients script connected with the server.
You can find the synthax to generate manually a configuration file inside the script.
You need the Pyro4 python3 module installed on your machine or inside a virtualenv. A Pyro4 nameserver need to be started on the host that will run the server before starting the server.
The variable pathToPreparedDataset contains the path to the dataset from