Clone the repository under fabric/examples using git clone
./ -n [channel-name] -s -c -t [cli timer] -f [compose yaml] <up|down|retstart>
-n channel name
-c enable couchdb
-f Docker compose file to be used for the network among docker-compose-cli.yaml and docker-compose-e2e.yaml
-s Enable TLS
-t CLI container timeout
up Launch the network
down teardown the network
restart Restart the network
for example: ./ -n "mychannel" -c -s -t 10 restart (with couchdb and tls)
./ -n "mychannel" -c -t 10 up (with couchdb only and tls disabled)
./ -n "mychannel" -s -t 10 restart (with tls enabled and no couchdb)
./ -n "mychannel" -t 10 restart (no tls and no couchdb)
- docker-compose-e2e.yaml is used to launch the network with two orderers, three kafka brokers, three zookeepers, two organizations with two peers in each, one ca per each organization.
Command to pass in docker-compose-e2e.yaml file to the command is
./ -n [channel-name] -s -c -t [cli timer] -f docker-compose-e2e.yaml <up|down|retstart>
- docker-compose-cli.yaml is used to launch a cli container that runs end-to-end script along with the network described above for docker-compose-e2e.yaml.
Command to pass in docker-compose-cli.yaml file to the command is
./ -n [channel-name] -s -c -t [cli timer] -f docker-compose-cli.yaml <up|down|retstart>
- docker-compose-couchdb.yaml is used to include couchdb containers when -c is passed in the command as shown in above example.
./ -n [channel-name] -s -c -f docker-compose-e2e.yaml <up|down|restart>