2.3 Release. Activity FInder 3.0. Refactored Carnation. Drupal 8.7+. Focal Point and Crop.
#1768 Fix styles in openy_carnation theme
#1767 Fix alert content width when Call To Action link missing
#1765 Fix microsites menu mobile issues.
#1771 Added GroupexPro sync Drush 9 command
#1772 Activity Finder 3.0
#1774 ActivityFinder: Add search index config for SOLR backend.
#1775 #UX Admin interface. Update group field alter for landing page
#1778 fixed Location Amenities Filter Logic
#1782 Fix map for Internet Explorer 11
#1777 Focal Point and Image Crop features. See short demo https://youtu.be/PMwBQpp7AbI
#1783 Carnation Theme refactoring ( see below complete list of changes )
Releases since the previous major release
https://github.com/ymcatwincities/openy/releases/tag/ ( Bug Fixes )
https://github.com/ymcatwincities/openy/releases/tag/ ( Drupal 8.7 core )
https://github.com/ymcatwincities/openy/releases/tag/ ( Hot fix )
Known Issues
#1787 Banner in Carnation
#1786 Cropper library requirement
Carnation refactoring fixes
- Theme compile script changed from grunt to webpack
- Refactored matchHeight, fixed: #1692
- Limited Time Offer paragraph looks ugly - fixed
- User login page should be centralized vertically.
- Fixed bug with images on tablet at homepage
- Restored ability to configure logo from theme settings, made website logo working in the similar way to Rose and Lily
- Refactored js files - split into small libraries that would be easier to override
- Styled 403 and 404 pages
- Fixed breadcrumbs margins at user pages
- Fixed: Admin menu is showed behind carnation main menu
- Added more block inheritance where it is possible at templates
- Fixed Featured highlight block styles problems
- Fixed Problem with small banner and alerts
- Fixed Small Banner paragraph in the header section
- Fixed: Simple Content paragraph in the header section is not displaying at all
- Fixed: When I add banner and gallery to the header section I see breadcrumbstwo times
- Fixed: No padding between paragraphs, on the screenshot below is aFeatured Highlights + Gallery.
- Fixed: Margin between gallery and footer
- Fixed: Featured Highlights paragraph + sidebar
- Fixed: Grid columns paragraph + fontawesome icons: icons should becolored in the block color.
- Fixed: Secondary Description & sidebar in the header area does not look good.
- Fixed: Upcoming events paragraph is completely broken - implemented this paragraph template from scratch.
- Fixed: adjust styles to the branch info section on the branch page
- Moved logic from js to preprocess https://github.com/jediandrey/openy/blob/carnation_refactoring/themes/openy_themes/openy_carnation/src/js/openy_carnation_banner.js#L16
- Fixed: Arrows are absent at the slider on mobile.
- Updated Readme according to new theme compilation process.