The goal of this project is to build a platform for disseminating job opportunities, where companies can search for professionals to join their teams and interact with them during the application and hiring process.
This project have a Docker setup, but if you don't want to use it, this what you need to get it running:
Ruby >= 3.2.2
node >= 13.12.0
Postgres >= 9.2
Clone the repo:
git clone
Go to directory:
cd looking-for-talents
To generate project images and ruby dependencies, and setup de app database, run:
docker-compose build
To setup and fill the database with initial development data, run:
docker-compose run app rails db:setup
And to initiate the server, run:
docker-compose up
Install ruby gems and setup database:
(Optional) This project have pre-built development data, to fill the database with then, run:
rails db:seed
Finally, to see the app running, run:
rails server
By default, server will run in http://localhost:3000
A headhunter initiates the flow of the application, signing up providing an email, password, name and surname.
To submit opportunities, headhunters must be linked with a company. Company profiles are created by headhunters, which will be their responsible. Only the responsible can link another headhunter to an existing company.
Candidates can have their profiles highlighted and receive proposals based on their subscription.
Headhunter can visualize only their companies opportunities; profiles of all candidates in the application are visible.
A candidate initiate signing up providing an email, password.
After sign up, candidates must fill in personal and professional info before being able to submit application to opportunities.
Candidates can visualize all opportunities submitted, but only their own profiles.
After submit application for an opportunity, they'll receive feedback and, eventually, proposals, being able to accept or refuse it.