- Weekly backups of folder and mysql databases on a ubuntu server
- Email notification about finished backups and easy way to download the files
I came across a lot of weird server backup software with design and UX from the 90th coupled with hundred of options. So I decided to create this simple script to do the backups of files and databases.
- Access server and create script
- Define what and where to backup
- Automate with crontabs
- Sending email notification
- Download server backup
Let's login into your server and create a script for your backups. To make it easy we are using the user root
. For production system you should create an extra user with access to only these files and folders you want to include.
$ ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
After successful login you might see:
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-109-generic x86_64)
You are now in the home folder of the root user.
$ vi backup.sh
To start editing
mode in VIM you can press i
. You file should look like the following:
echo Hello
Save file with : + w + Enter
and close with : + q + Enter
. Make the script executable and test it.
$ chmod +x backup.sh
$ ./backup.sh
If you got stuck in VIM here is a list of helpful commands.
of this repository looks larger than it is. 90% are echo
s to generate a useful email notification. Let's cut out all the non important stuff and walk through the script.
Define paths to folders and databases you want to include in the backup. Most of the time you want to backup a running application, so you should include the app sources and the database. Don't include the whole file system -> You will get problems with disk space ;-)
# backup folders
backup_files="/var/www/my-website.de /var/www/wordpress /etc"
# backup databases
backup_databases="mywebsite wordpress"
We only include sources we really need in case of an emergency. We are using GIT for our projects, so there is no need to include the source code in the server backups. But upload folders, databases, config files, php settings, ssl certificates are the import things to think of.
Define a destination folder for your backup files. The folder should be placed somewhere on your system where it is persisted. (If you don't use root user you have to be sure that you have access to that location and btw that user also needs access to the files you want to back up.)
# where to backup
# create backup folder if not exist
mkdir -p $dest
# create archive filenames
day=$(date +%y-%m-%d)
hostname=$(hostname -s)
# print start status message
echo "Backing up $backup_files to $dest/$archive_file ..."
echo "Backing up $backup_databases to $dest/$mysql_file ..."
This is actually the magic command which backups your system.
# backup the files using tar.
tar czvfP $dest/$archive_file $backup_files
Confused by czvfP
create a new archive-z
filter the archive through gzip-v
verbosely list files processed-f
use archive file or device ARCHIVE-p
extract information about file permissions
Type $ man tar
or visit the docs for more information.
# database dump in temp file
mysqldump --user root --routines --triggers --single-transaction --databases $backup_databases > "$dest/sql_dump.sql"
# pack the sql dump with tar and remove dump
tar czfP $dest/$mysql_file "$dest/sql_dump.sql"
rm $dest/sql_dump.sql
# print end status message
echo "Backup SUCCESS"
# echo generated files
ls -lh $dest
Save the file and test it with
$ ./backup.sh
If everything went well your backup files are now located in your defined $dest
$ ls -la /mnt/backups/
The full script is available here
With crontab we can automate the script execution. If you have never used crontab just use one of my examples or read through the docs. To make it short: There is a file in where you place line by line jobs which will then be executed defined by parameters.
A job has the following structure:
* * * * * <command>
| | | | | |------------------ command to execute
| | | | |-------------------- day of the week (0-7) 0 and 7 is sunday
| | | |---------------------- month of the year (1-12)
| | |------------------------ day of the month (1-31)
| |-------------------------- hour (0-23)
|---------------------------- minute (0-59)
Use the below command to add or update job in crontab. It opens the crontab file where a job can be added/updated.
$ crontab -e
Let's add a basic job which runs every 5 minutes.
*/5 * * * * /bin/sh backup.sh
Press ctrl + O + Enter
to save the file and ctrl + X
to close the crontab window. Relax for 5 minutes and see what happened ;)
$ crontab -l
Running a full backup every 5 minutes might be not a good approach. Here are some examples you could use:
# every day at 3 a.m.
0 3 * * * /bin/sh backup.sh
# every day at 3 a.m. and 4 p.m
0 3,16 * * * /bin/sh backup.sh
# every sunday at 5 a.m.
0 5 * * 0 /bin/sh backup.sh
# every sunday and friday at 3 a.m.
0 3 * * sun,fri /bin/sh backup.sh
# every 6 hours
0 */6 * * * /bin/sh backup.sh
To store output in a log file:
*/1 * * * * /bin/sh backup.sh >>backup.log
If you want to get informed if a new backup is available you can use mail
to send you an email.
*/1 * * * * /bin/sh backup.sh | mail -s "NEW BACKUP - Your server" -a "Your server Backup Scheduler <[email protected]>" [email protected]
Be sure that you are using the right option parameters for the installed mail version or even application.
# other mail up using -r to set a sender
*/1 * * * * /bin/sh files/backup.sh | mail -s "[BACKUP] Your Server" -r "Your server Backup Scheduler <[email protected]>" [email protected]
In our script we already gave a hint about how to download the files. You might give someone else an access with an extra user and he or she can download the files with SFTP client or the CLI. While backups are stored under /mnt/backups
you can create a symlink from users home to that location.
# logged in with [email protected]
# will fail if symlink exists already
$ ln -s /mnt/backup backups
# to create or update a symlink
$ ln -sf /mnt/backup backups
Logout of your server and try to download the files with one line
# on you local machine
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ scp [email protected]:backups/host-mysql-18-03-25.tar backup
Unpack the downloaded file
$ tar -xvzf backup/host-mysql-18-03-25.tar
What to do with old back up files? You may don't need them anymore. If you run jobs on a daily basis you will hit the disk space limit soon. You could include a "old-file-deleter" in your script. Let's say we want to delete all files which are older than 14 days.
# place at the end of backup.sh
find /mnt/backup -mtime +14 -type f -delete
to search in-mtime +14
older than 14 days-type f
only files-delete
no surprise. Remove it to test yourfind
filter before executing the whole command
Some webhoster only let you trigger jobs via an UI. If so, they won't accept your statement with ... | mail ...
. Wrap the whole command into a backup-cron.sh
/bin/sh backup.sh | mail -s "NEW BACKUP - Your server" -a "Your server Backup Scheduler <[email protected]>" [email protected]
In the webhoster's interface you can then just trigger the backup-cron.sh
When it's still on the same machine, it isn't a backup. So here are some approaches how to download the backup. These cmd could also be executed on a remote machine with crontabs.
# syncs everything from backups to local-backups
$ rsync -a -v [email protected]:backups/ local-backups/
# create server var
$ [email protected]
# folder destination (server)
$ from=/backups
# folder to store backup
$ to=local-backups
# download only latest 2 files (latest two, because it's the backup and db export)
$ scp $server:$from/$(ssh $server "ls -t $from | head -2") $to
$ sftp [email protected]
get -r backups local-backups
- Currently we are generating the file names for our server backup with the current date. This could be a problem if you are running the script more than once a day. Currently the file will be overwritten.
- What would this script look like for a windows server backup?
- Commands for vim editor https://kb.iu.edu/d/afdc
- Using mysqldump https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/mysqldump/
- Crontabs https://www.computerhope.com/unix/ucrontab.htm
- Crontab examples https://tecadmin.net/crontab-in-linux-with-20-examples-of-cron-schedule/
Script: https://github.com/zauberware/automated-server-backups
Author website: https://www.zauberware.com
Author: zauberware technologies / Simon Franzen [email protected]