Connector Base from Zenvia
This is a basic example of the Zenvia connector.
With this connector base, you can create your connector for integration with your platform with Zenvia.
The development team will evaluate your connector and they will deploy in the Zenvia environment.
- Node.js
- Git
- Apache Kafka (optional)
- Docker (optional)
1. Clone the repository.
git clone
2. Install the dependencies.
npm ci
3. Connector integration with your platform.
You will implement it in the send
method of the file src/controllers/sms-sender-message-controller.ts
. In this example, the Zenvia SMS send API was implemented.
The flow in the connector is below.
4. Integration of your platform with the connector.
You will implement it in the receive
method of the file src/controllers/sms-receiver-webhook-controller.ts
. In this example, the Zenvia SMS receive API was implemented.
The flow in the connector is below.
1. Run the tests.
npm test
1. Build the project.
npm run build
2. Run the project.
npm run start:dev
3. Starting Kafka.
4. Publishing a message to Kafka.
echo '{"messageId":"MESSAGE_ID","channel":{"type":"CHANNEL_TYPE","provider":"CHANNEL_PROVIDER"},"from":"INTEGRATION_ID","to":["FROM"],"content":[{"type":"text/plain","payload":{"text":"Test message."}}],"credentials":{"authorization":"dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==","integrationId":"967e5cad-1bd4-40c6-989f-74c71e98c282"}}' | docker exec -i kafka bash -c "/opt/kafka_2.11- --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic CONSUMER_TOPIC"
5. Requesting for Webhook.
curl --verbose "http://localhost:3000/v1/webhook" \
--request POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Some-Header: SOME_HEADER" \
--data-binary "{
\"callbackMoRequest\": {
\"id\": \"20690090\",
\"mobile\": \"555191951711\",
\"shortCode\": \"40001\",
\"account\": \"zenvia.envio\",
\"body\": \"Some message\",
\"received\": \"2019-05-27T14:27:08.488-03:00\",
\"correlatedMessageSmsId\": \"hs765939061\"
- Remove a container:
docker rm kafka