Use ArcGIS Server REST resources without an official SDK more information.
It can also be used for just working with types and as well as some ArcGIS Server types you can also use GeoJSON FeatureCollections with the ability to convert GeoJSON <-> ArcGIS Features.
Typical use case would be the need to call some ArcGIS REST resource from server .NET code or maybe a console app. Rather than having to fudge a dependency to an existing SDK you can use this. Should work with .NET for Windows Store apps, .NET framework 4.5, Silverlight 4 and higher, Windows Phone 7.5 and higher
Since the serialization is specific to your implementation you will need to create an ISerializer to use in your gateway. The test project has ServiceStack.Text and Json.NET example serializers
Supports the following as typed operations:
- Generate Token (automatically if credentials are specified in gateway)
- Query
- Apply Edits
- Single Input Geocode
- Suggest
- Reverse Geocode
- Describe site (returns a url for every service)
- Simplify
- Project
- Buffer
Some example of it in use for server side processing in web sites
- [Describe site] (
- [Convert between GeoJSON and ArcGIS Features] (
- [Server side geometry operations] (
- [Server side geocode] (, new zealand)
See some of the tests for some example calls.
###Gateway Use Cases
public class ArcGISGateway : PortalGateway
public ArcGISGateway(ISerializer serializer)
: base(@"", serializer)
{ }
... new ArcGISGateway(serializer);
public class SecureGISGateway : SecureArcGISServerGateway
public SecureGISGateway(ISerializer serializer)
: base(@"", "user1", "pass.word1", serializer)
{ }
... new SecureGISGateway(serializer);
public class SecureTokenProvider : TokenProvider
public SecureTokenProvider(ISerializer serializer)
: base(@"", "user1", "pass.word1", serializer)
{ }
public class SecureGISGateway : PortalGateway
public SecureGISGateway(ISerializer serializer, ITokenProvider tokenProvider)
: base(@"", serializer, tokenProvider)
{ }
... new SecureGISGateway(serializer, new SecureTokenProvider(serializer));
... new ArcGISOnlineGateway(serializer);
... new ArcGISOnlineGateway(serializer, new ArcGISOnlineTokenProvider("user", "pass", serializer));
static ISerializer _serializer = new ServiceStackSerializer();
static Dictionary<String, Func<String, FeatureCollection<IGeoJsonGeometry>>> _funcMap = new Dictionary<String, Func<String, FeatureCollection<IGeoJsonGeometry>>>
{ GeometryTypes.Point, (uri) => new ProxyGateway(uri, _serializer).GetGeoJson<Point>(uri) },
{ GeometryTypes.MultiPoint, (uri) => new ProxyGateway(uri, _serializer).GetGeoJson<MultiPoint>(uri) },
{ GeometryTypes.Envelope, (uri) => new ProxyGateway(uri, _serializer).GetGeoJson<Extent>(uri) },
{ GeometryTypes.Polygon, (uri) => new ProxyGateway(uri, _serializer).GetGeoJson<Polygon>(uri) },
{ GeometryTypes.Polyline, (uri) => new ProxyGateway(uri, _serializer).GetGeoJson<Polyline>(uri) }
var layer = new ProxyGateway(uri, _serializer).GetAnything(uri.AsEndpoint());
if (layer == null || !layer.ContainsKey("geometryType")) throw new HttpException("You must enter a valid layer url.");
return _funcMap[layer["geometryType"]](uri);
public class AgsObject : JsonObject, IPortalResponse
[System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMember(Name = "error")]
public ArcGISError Error { get; set; }
public class ProxyGateway : PortalGateway
public ProxyGateway(String rootUrl, ISerializer serializer)
: base(rootUrl, serializer)
{ }
public QueryResponse<T> Query<T>(Query queryOptions) where T : IGeometry
return Get<QueryResponse<T>, Query>(queryOptions).Result;
public AgsObject GetAnything(ArcGISServerEndpoint endpoint)
return Get<AgsObject>(endpoint).Result;
public FeatureCollection<IGeoJsonGeometry> GetGeoJson<T>(String uri) where T : IGeometry
var result = Query<T>(new Query(uri.AsEndpoint()));
result.Features.First().Geometry.SpatialReference = result.SpatialReference;
var features = result.Features.ToList();
if (result.SpatialReference.Wkid != SpatialReference.WGS84.Wkid)
features = new ProjectGateway(Serializer).Project<T>(features, SpatialReference.WGS84);
return features.ToFeatureCollection();
public class ProjectGateway : PortalGateway
public ProjectGateway(ISerializer serializer)
: base(@"", serializer)
{ }
public List<Feature<T>> Project<T>(List<Feature<T>> features, SpatialReference outputSpatialReference) where T : IGeometry
var op = new ProjectGeometry<T>("/Utilities/Geometry/GeometryServer".AsEndpoint(), features, outputSpatialReference);
var projected = await Post<GeometryOperationResponse<T>, ProjectGeometry<T>>(op).Result;
var result = features.UpdateGeometries<T>(projected.Geometries);
if (result.First().Geometry.SpatialReference == null) result.First().Geometry.SpatialReference = outputSpatialReference;
return result;
static Dictionary<String, Func<String, List<Feature<IGeometry>>>> _funcMap = new Dictionary<String, Func<String, List<Feature<IGeometry>>>>
{ "Point", (data) => JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<FeatureCollection<GeoJsonPoint>>(data).ToFeatures<GeoJsonPoint>() },
{ "MultiPoint", (data) => JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<FeatureCollection<GeoJsonLineString>>(data).ToFeatures<GeoJsonLineString>() },
{ "LineString", (data) => JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<FeatureCollection<GeoJsonLineString>>(data).ToFeatures<GeoJsonLineString>() },
{ "MultiLineString", (data) => JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<FeatureCollection<GeoJsonLineString>>(data).ToFeatures<GeoJsonLineString>() },
{ "Polygon", (data) => JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<FeatureCollection<GeoJsonPolygon>>(data).ToFeatures<GeoJsonPolygon>() },
{ "MultiPolygon", (data) => JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<FeatureCollection<GeoJsonMultiPolygon>>(data).ToFeatures<GeoJsonMultiPolygon>() }
return _funcMap["Point"](data);
If you have NuGet installed, the easiest way to get started is to install via NuGet:
PM> Install-Package ArcGIS.PCL
or you can get the code from here.