React component: a button that connects Metamask to Flashbots Protect when clicked.
- metamask-react - The component accepts a callback
given byuseMetaMask
from metamask-react to handle the low-level connection to Metamask.
Build from source:
cd protect
yarn install && yarn build
cd ..
Run demo:
cd web-demo
npm install && npm start
cd ..
Install from npm:
yarn add protect-button
# or
npm i protect-button
Alternatively, if you built from source:
yarn add ../protect-button
# or
npm i ../protect-button
<ProtectButton addChain={addChain} chainId={1}>Connect to Protect (Mainnet)</ProtectButton>
is optional; if omitted, component will use window.ethereum
<ProtectButton chainId={5}>Connect to Protect (Goerli)</ProtectButton>
In a React file (tsx or jsx):
import React from 'react'
import './App.css'
// using metamask-react is optional but recommended
import { useMetaMask } from 'metamask-react'
import ProtectButton from "protect-button"
function App() {
const { status, connect, addChain } = useMetaMask()
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
{status === 'notConnected' && (
<button onClick={connect}>Connect to MetaMask</button>
{status !== 'connected' && status !== "notConnected" && (
<span>Connecting to MetaMask...</span>
{status === 'connected' && (<>
<ProtectButton addChain={addChain} chainId={1}>Connect to Protect (Mainnet)</ProtectButton>
{/* addChain is optional; if ommited, will use `window.ethereum` */}
<ProtectButton chainId={5}>Connect to Protect (Goerli)</ProtectButton>
export default App