Niimbot-Printer is integrated with Niimbot Hardware that can printing the text by using this Plugin.
- Ios (Need to add permissions on Info.plist) A. NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription B. NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription
- First you need to Scan to find nearest niimbot printer
var value = await niimbotPrint.onStartScan( whiteListDevices: [NiimbotModelEnum.b1], onError: (errorMessage) { LogHelper.error(errorMessage, event: 'initializeData'); });
- You have to connect one of those that we've scanned before
if (blueDeviceInfoModel.value.connectionState != null) { await niimbotPrint.onDisconnect(); blueDeviceInfoModel.value = BlueDeviceInfoModel(); } else { await niimbotPrint.onStartConnect( model: device, onResult: (isSuccess, message) { if (isSuccess) { blueDeviceInfoModel.value = device; } else { LogHelper.error(message, event: 'onConnectDevice'); blueDeviceInfoModel.value = BlueDeviceInfoModel(); } }); }
- Start printing
await niimbotPrint.onStartPrintText( printLabelModelList: [ PrintLabelModel(text: 'Gerzha Hayat Prakarsha', fontSize: 16), PrintLabelModel( text: '', fontSize: 14), ], onResult: (isSuccess, message) async { await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2)); isLoadingPrinting.value = false; if (isSuccess) { Get.snackbar(MessageConstant.printSucceed, message, snackPosition: SnackPosition.BOTTOM, colorText: Colors.white, borderRadius: BorderRadiusConstant.low, backgroundColor: Get.theme.primaryColor, margin: const EdgeInsets.only( left: MarginSizeConstant.medium, right: MarginSizeConstant.medium, bottom: MarginSizeConstant.medium)); } else { LogHelper.error(message, event: 'onStartPrint'); } });
This project is a starting point for a Flutter plug-in package, a specialized package that includes platform-specific implementation code for Android and/or iOS.
Created By: Gerzha Hayat Prakarsha Portfolio: Github: