- Zhan Li, zhan.li AT umb dot edu, the current custodian.
- Qingsong Sun, qingsong.sun AT umb dot edu.
- Yan Liu, yan.liu AT umb dot edu.
- Crystal Schaaf, crystal.schaaf AT umb dot edu.
A large component of this tool box concerns the use of BRDF/Albedo/NBAR products from MODIS/VIIRS and related MODIS/VIIRS products such as MOD08 the gridded atmospheric product for the calculation of diffuse light fraction for blue-sky albedo calcuation. However, as this toolbox grows through the evolution of MODIS/VIIRS products, we expect to add more tools to cover wider range of MODIS/VIIRS products.
A vintage program to calculate the blue-sky albedo with either (1) weighted sum of BSA and WSA, or (2) full expression. To be updated for the latest M/V products.
Tools that apply to both MODIS and VIIRS products including:
- Downloading M/V products from NASA test product ftps, and a few DAACs such as LAADS and LP.
- Generate preview images and stats of a given MCD43/VNP43 product file.
- Compare two MCD43/VNP43 product files and generate comparison figures and stats.
Processing of internal MCD43T products for product testing.
Tools that apply to only MODIS products.
Tools that apply to only VIIRS products.
Supporting data to run some of the tools.
External dependencies (libraries and programs) to run some of the tools.
- astrolib
The IDL Astronomy User's Library (May 2015) from http://idlastro.gsfc.nasa.gov
- modis-tilemap3
MODLAND Tile Calculator, an offline version from the online MODLAND Tile Calculator