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+ UPLC Converter docs
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TurtlePU committed Nov 6, 2024
1 parent 310c9a1 commit 454e290
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Showing 3 changed files with 182 additions and 37 deletions.
34 changes: 32 additions & 2 deletions zkfold-uplc/src/ZkFold/Symbolic/UPLC/Converter.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,27 +14,57 @@ import ZkFold.Symbolic.UPLC.Data (Data)
import ZkFold.Symbolic.UPLC.Evaluation (ExValue (ExValue), MaybeValue (..), Sym, eval)
import ZkFold.UPLC.Term (Term)

data ScriptType = SpendingV1 | OtherV1 | V3
-- | Different script types used on Cardano network.
data ScriptType
-- | Plutus V1/V2 spending scripts.
= SpendingV1
-- | Plutus V1/V2 minting, certifying and rewarding scripts.
| OtherV1
-- | Plutus V3 scripts.
| V3

-- | Result of a UPLC Converter is a circuit:
-- 1. with arbitrary input;
-- 2. with a single success/fail output;
-- 3. over BLS base field.
data SomeCircuit = forall i. SomeCircuit (ArithmeticCircuit (Zp BLS12_381_Scalar) i Par1)

convert :: Term -> ScriptType -> SomeCircuit
-- | Converter itself.
convert ::
Term -> -- ^ Term to convert.
ScriptType -> -- ^ Type of a script.
SomeCircuit -- ^ Result of a conversion.
convert t SpendingV1 = SomeCircuit $ compile (spendingContract t)
convert t OtherV1 = SomeCircuit $ compile (otherContract t)
convert t V3 = SomeCircuit $ compile (contractV3 t)

-- | Datum context.
type DatumCtx c = Data c

-- | Redeemer context.
type RedeemerCtx c = Data c

-- | Script context.
type ScriptCtx c = Data c

-- | As per [Plutus User Guide](,
-- A v1/v2 spending script takes a datum context, a redeemer context
-- and a script context as input.
spendingContract :: Sym c => Term -> DatumCtx c -> RedeemerCtx c -> ScriptCtx c -> Bool c
spendingContract t d r s = contract t [ExValue d, ExValue r, ExValue s]

-- | As per [Plutus User Guide](,
-- A v1/v2 minting, certifying and rewarding scripts each take
-- a redeemer context and a script context as input.
otherContract :: Sym c => Term -> RedeemerCtx c -> ScriptCtx c -> Bool c
otherContract t r s = contract t [ExValue r, ExValue s]

-- | As per [Plutus User Guide](,
-- A v3 script takes a single script context as input.
contractV3 :: Sym c => Term -> ScriptCtx c -> Bool c
contractV3 t s = contract t [ExValue s]

-- | A generic script function.
contract :: Sym c => Term -> [ExValue c] -> Bool c
contract t s = case eval t s of
MaybeValue v -> isJust v
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion zkfold-uplc/src/ZkFold/Symbolic/UPLC/Data.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ import ZkFold.Symbolic.Class (Symbolic)
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Class (SymbolicData (..))
import ZkFold.Symbolic.Data.Input (SymbolicInput)

-- | TODO: Proper symbolic Data type
-- | Plutus Core's Data as a Symbolic datatype.
-- TODO: Proper symbolic Data type
newtype Data c = Data (c Par1)

deriving newtype instance SymbolicData (Data c)
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182 changes: 148 additions & 34 deletions zkfold-uplc/src/ZkFold/Symbolic/UPLC/Evaluation.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,11 +14,12 @@ module ZkFold.Symbolic.UPLC.Evaluation (Sym, ExValue (..), MaybeValue (..), eval
import Control.Monad (return)
import Data.Either (Either (..))
import Data.Function (($), (.))
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Functor.Rep (Representable)
import Data.List (map, null, (++))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..))
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable, traverse)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable, cast)
import Prelude (error, fromIntegral)

Expand All @@ -34,6 +35,14 @@ import ZkFold.UPLC.BuiltinFunction
import ZkFold.UPLC.BuiltinType
import ZkFold.UPLC.Term

------------------------------- MAIN ALGORITHM ---------------------------------

-- This part is not meant to be changed when extending the Converter
-- (except for bugfixing, of course).

-- | Class of Symbolic datatypes used inside Converter.
-- Each instance enforces a one-to-one correspondence between some 'BuiltinType'
-- and its interpretation as a Symbolic datatype in arbitrary context 'c'.
( Typeable v, SymbolicData v
, Context v ~ c, Support v ~ Proxy c
Expand All @@ -43,70 +52,119 @@ class
) => IsData (t :: BuiltinType) v c | t c -> v, v -> t, v -> c where
asPair :: v -> Maybe (ExValue c, ExValue c)

-- | Existential wrapper around 'IsData' Symbolic types.
data ExValue c = forall t v. IsData t v c => ExValue v

-- | We can evaluate UPLC terms in arbitrary 'Symbolic' context as long as
-- it is also 'Typeable'.
type Sym c = (Symbolic c, Typeable c)
-- TODO: Add more instances
instance Sym c => IsData BTBool (Bool c) c where asPair _ = Nothing
instance Sym c => IsData BTUnit (Proxy c) c where asPair _ = Nothing
instance Sym c => IsData BTData (Symbolic.Data c) c where asPair _ = Nothing
(Sym c, IsData t v c, IsData t' v' c) => IsData (BTPair t t') (v, v') c where
asPair (p, q) = Just (ExValue p, ExValue q)

-- | According to [Plutus Core Spec](,
-- evaluation of a UPLC term is a partial function.
-- In addition, successful evaluation of a smart contract compiled to UPLC
-- should yield a value of a builtin type.
-- We encode this with a Symbolic 'Maybe' of an arbitrary 'IsData'.
data MaybeValue c = forall t v. IsData t v c => MaybeValue (Symbolic.Maybe c v)

-- | Evaluation function.
-- Given enough arguments, we can evaluate a first-order
-- (that is, not taking functions as arguments)
-- UPLC term into a value of builtin type.
eval :: forall c. Sym c => Term -> [ExValue c] -> MaybeValue c
eval t args = case impl [] t $ map aValue args of
Just v -> v
Nothing -> MaybeValue (Symbolic.nothing :: Symbolic.Maybe c (Proxy c))

-- | Type actually used inside Converter to represent evaluation result.
-- @Nothing@ is used to encode failure, just as @Just nothing@, but is used in
-- case when the expected type of a term is unknown.
-- @Just nothing@ is used to encode failure in cases when the expected type is
-- known, but the success/failure outcome is undecidable (that is, context
-- doesn't provide concrete values).
-- The case when both the success/failure outcome and type are unknown is
-- impossible.
type SomeValue c = Maybe (MaybeValue c)

-- | Type of terms/values stored in a term environment during evaluation.
-- The reason we store unevaluated terms in an environment is to evaluate
-- higher-rank programs correctly, e.g. @(\x -> ...) 'IfThenElse'@.
type Thunk c = Either Term (SomeValue c)
type Ctx c = [Thunk c]

-- | With [De Bruijn indices]( as variables,
-- an [environment]( is just a list of thunks.
type Env c = [Thunk c]

-- | Arguments to UPLC terms that we apply to obtain the result.
-- Note that we represent pattern-matching on constructors as an argument to
-- defer pattern-matching until we reach the actual constructor being matched.
data Arg c = ACase [Term] | AThunk (Thunk c)

impl :: Sym c => Ctx c -> Term -> [Arg c] -> SomeValue c
impl ctx (TVariable i) args = applyVar ctx i args
impl _ (TConstant c) [] = someValue (evalConstant c)
impl _ (TConstant _) (_:_) = Nothing
impl ctx (TBuiltin f) args = applyBuiltin ctx f args
impl _ (TLam _) [] = Nothing
impl _ (TLam _) (ACase _:_) = Nothing
impl ctx (TLam f) (AThunk t:args) = impl (t:ctx) f args
impl ctx (TApp f x) args = impl ctx f (aTerm x : args)
impl ctx (TDelay t) args = impl ctx t args
impl ctx (TForce t) args = impl ctx t args
impl ctx (TConstr t f) (ACase bs:args) = impl ctx (bs !! fromIntegral t) (map aTerm f ++ args)
impl _ (TConstr _ _) [] = error "FIXME: UPLC Data support"
impl _ (TConstr _ _) (_:_) = Nothing
impl ctx (TCase s bs) args = impl ctx s (ACase bs : args)
impl _ TError _ = Nothing

applyBuiltin :: Sym c => Ctx c -> BuiltinFunction s t -> [Arg c] -> SomeValue c
applyBuiltin ctx (BFMono f) args = applyMono true (evalMono f) [evalArg ctx a [] | a <- args]
applyBuiltin ctx (BFPoly f) args = applyPoly ctx f args
-- | Actual evaluation function.
impl ::
Sym c =>
Env c -> -- ^ Evaluation environment (thunks accessed by De Bruijn indices).
Term -> -- ^ Term in question.
[Arg c] -> -- ^ List of arguments to apply to the term.
SomeValue c -- ^ Result of an evaluation.
impl env (TVariable i) args = applyVar env i args -- inspect environment
impl _ (TConstant c) [] = someValue (evalConstant c) -- embed constant inside context
impl _ (TConstant _) (_:_) = Nothing -- constants are not functions!
impl env (TBuiltin f) args = applyBuiltin env f args -- inspect builtin
impl _ (TLam _) [] = Nothing -- not enough arguments supplied!
impl _ (TLam _) (ACase _:_) = Nothing -- lambda cannot be pattern-matched!
impl env (TLam f) (AThunk t:args) = impl (t:env) f args -- prepend an arg to env for eval of a body
impl env (TApp f x) args = impl env f (aTerm x : args) -- prepend new arg for eval of a function
impl env (TDelay t) args = impl env t args -- we skip delays. Maybe wrong, but simpler
impl env (TForce t) args = impl env t args -- we skip forcings. Maybe wrong, but simpler.
impl env (TConstr t f) (ACase bs:args) = impl env (bs !! fromIntegral t) (map aTerm f ++ args) -- pattern-matching
impl env (TConstr t f) [] = constr t <$> traverse (\fi -> impl env fi []) f -- embed constructor
impl _ (TConstr _ _) (_:_) = Nothing -- constructors are not functions!
impl env (TCase s bs) args = impl env s (ACase bs : args) -- defer pattern-matching
impl _ TError _ = Nothing -- errors are errors!

applyVar :: Sym c => Ctx c -> DeBruijnIndex -> [Arg c] -> SomeValue c
-- | Inspect the thunk pointed at by the variable.
applyVar :: Sym c => Env c -> DeBruijnIndex -> [Arg c] -> SomeValue c
applyVar ctx i args = case ctx !! i of
Left t -> impl ctx t args
Right v -> if null args then v else Nothing
Left t -> impl ctx t args -- evaluate the term
Right v -> if null args then v else Nothing -- data are not functions!

evalArg :: Sym c => Ctx c -> Arg c -> [Arg c] -> SomeValue c
-- | Inspect the builtin.
applyBuiltin :: Sym c => Env c -> BuiltinFunction s t -> [Arg c] -> SomeValue c
applyBuiltin ctx (BFMono f) args = applyMono true (evalMono f) [evalArg ctx a [] | a <- args]
applyBuiltin ctx (BFPoly f) args = applyPoly ctx f args

-- | Try to turn the argument into a value.
evalArg :: Sym c => Env c -> Arg c -> [Arg c] -> SomeValue c
evalArg _ (ACase _) _ = Nothing
evalArg ctx (AThunk (Left t)) args = impl ctx t args
evalArg _ (AThunk (Right v)) [] = v
evalArg _ (AThunk (Right _)) (_:_) = Nothing

-- | Helper embedding function.
someValue :: Sym c => SymValue t c -> SomeValue c
someValue (SymValue v) = Just $ MaybeValue (Symbolic.just v)

-- | Helper embedding function.
aTerm :: Term -> Arg c
aTerm = AThunk . Left

-- | Helper embedding function.
aValue :: Sym c => ExValue c -> Arg c
aValue (ExValue v) = AThunk . Right . Just $ MaybeValue (Symbolic.just v)

-- | Apply the monomorphic function to its arguments, fully saturated.
-- Straightforward:
-- 1. given an argument, try to convert to the correct type;
-- 2. go further.
applyMono :: Sym c => Bool c -> Fun s t c -> [SomeValue c] -> SomeValue c
applyMono b (FSat x) [] = Just $ MaybeValue (bool Symbolic.nothing x b)
applyMono _ (FSat _) (_:_) = Nothing
Expand All @@ -116,7 +174,44 @@ applyMono b (FLam f) (v:args) = do
mx <- cast v'
applyMono (b && Symbolic.isJust mx) (f $ Symbolic.fromJust mx) args

applyPoly :: Sym c => Ctx c -> BuiltinPolyFunction s t -> [Arg c] -> SomeValue c
--------------------------- BUILTINS INTERPRETATION ----------------------------

-- This part is meant to be changed when completing the Converter implementation.

-- Uncomment these lines as more types are available in Converter:
-- instance Sym c => IsData BTInteger ??? c where asPair _ = Nothing
-- instance Sym c => IsData BTByteString ??? c where asPair _ = Nothing
-- instance Sym c => IsData BTString ??? c where asPair _ = Nothing
instance Sym c => IsData BTBool (Bool c) c where asPair _ = Nothing
instance Sym c => IsData BTUnit (Proxy c) c where asPair _ = Nothing
instance Sym c => IsData BTData (Symbolic.Data c) c where asPair _ = Nothing
-- Uncomment this line as List becomes available in Converter:
-- instance (Sym c, IsData t v c) => IsData (BTList t) ??? c where asPair _ = Nothing
(Sym c, IsData t v c, IsData t' v' c) => IsData (BTPair t t') (v, v') c where
asPair (p, q) = Just (ExValue p, ExValue q)
-- Uncomment these lines as more types are available in Converter:
-- instance Sym c => IsData BTBLSG1 ??? c where asPair _ = Nothing
-- instance Sym c => IsData BTBLSG2 ??? c where asPair _ = Nothing
-- instance Sym c => IsData BTBLSMLResult ??? c where asPair _ = Nothing

-- | Apply polymorphic function to its arguments, fully saturated.
-- General algorithm:
-- * If this is a "destructuring" operation:
-- a. Evaluate a single operand as a builtin datatype;
-- b. Apply the destructuring function.
-- * If this is a "choice" operation:
-- a. Evaluate first operand as a builtin datatype;
-- b. Evaluate branches with the rest of the args supplied as their args;
-- c. Cast branches to the same type;
-- d. Apply the choice function.
-- Be careful with two layers of Maybe! Think about which errors do you wish to
-- propagate.
applyPoly :: Sym c => Env c -> BuiltinPolyFunction s t -> [Arg c] -> SomeValue c
applyPoly ctx IfThenElse (ct:tt:et:args) = do
MaybeValue c0 <- evalArg ctx ct []
MaybeValue t <- evalArg ctx tt args
Expand All @@ -138,11 +233,15 @@ applyPoly _ (BPFList _) _ = error "FIXME: UPLC List support"
applyPoly _ ChooseData _ = error "FIXME: UPLC Data support"
applyPoly _ _ _ = Nothing

-- | Helper function.
symMaybe :: (Sym c, IsData d t c) => Symbolic.Maybe c u -> t -> Symbolic.Maybe c t
symMaybe b v = bool Symbolic.nothing (Symbolic.just v) (Symbolic.isJust b)

-- | Some Symbolic value of a definite UPLC builtin type.
data SymValue t c = forall v. IsData t v c => SymValue v

-- | Given a UPLC constant, evaluate it as a corresponding Symbolic value.
-- Types would not let you go (terribly) wrong!
evalConstant :: Sym c => Constant t -> SymValue t c
evalConstant (CBool b) = SymValue (if b then true else false)
evalConstant (CInteger _) = error "FIXME: UPLC Integer support"
Expand All @@ -155,11 +254,19 @@ evalConstant (CPair p q) = pair (evalConstant p) (evalConstant q)
evalConstant (CG1 _) = error "FIXME: UPLC BLS support"
evalConstant (CG2 _) = error "FIXME: UPLC BLS support"

-- | Useful helper function.
pair :: Sym c => SymValue t c -> SymValue u c -> SymValue (BTPair t u) c
pair (SymValue p) (SymValue q) = SymValue (p, q)

-- | Given a tag and fields, evaluate them as an instance of UPLC Data type.
constr :: Sym c => ConstructorTag -> [MaybeValue c] -> MaybeValue c
constr _ _ = error "FIXME: UPLC Data support"

-- | Symbolic function of a definite UPLC signature.
data Fun (s :: [BuiltinType]) (t :: BuiltinType) c where
-- | Fully applied (saturated) function.
FSat :: IsData t v c => Symbolic.Maybe c v -> Fun '[] t c
-- | A function which returns another (possibly saturated) function.
FLam :: IsData s v c => (v -> Fun ss t c) -> Fun (s ': ss) t c

instance IsData t v c => FromConstant (Symbolic.Maybe c v) (Fun '[] t c) where
Expand All @@ -170,6 +277,13 @@ instance
=> FromConstant (v -> f) (Fun (s ': ss) t c) where
fromConstant f = FLam (fromConstant . f)

-- | Given a monomorphic UPLC builtin, evaluate it
-- as a corresponding Symbolic function.
-- Types will not let you go (terribly) wrong!
-- Note that you can use 'FromConstant' instances defined above
-- to get rid of the 'FSat'/'FLam' boilerplate.
evalMono :: Sym c => BuiltinMonoFunction s t -> Fun s t c
evalMono (BMFInteger _) = error "FIXME: UPLC Integer support"
evalMono (BMFByteString _) = error "FIXME: UPLC ByteString support"
Expand Down

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