A better WeChat client on Mac OS X and Linux. Build with Electron.
Electronic WeChat is released by this open source project. While Web WeChat is a major component in the app, it should be noted that this is a community release and not an official WeChat release.
This app is still under development. Mainly tested on OS X, but should work on Linux.
Electronic WeChat v.s. Mac WeChat
- Modern UI and full features from Web WeChat.
- Drag-to-send pictures.
- Bug free.
- Prevent others from recalling messages.
Electronic WeChat v.s. Web WeChat
- Compatible with sticker messages. [?]
- Independent app out of browser. Behaves like native.
- Open inhibited links without redirects (like taobao.com).
Electronic WeChat v.s. Linux WeChat
- Well, you actually don't have a choice.
To clone and run this repository you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/geeeeeeeeek/electronic-wechat.git
# Go into the repository
cd electronic-wechat
# Install dependencies and run the app
npm install && npm start
To pack into an app, simply type one of these:
npm run build:osx
npm run build:linux
npm run build:win
If you only cares about the app, you can find it out in the release section.