This is the homepage for quikr.
Quikr is a QUadratic, Iterative, K-mer based Reconstruction technique that utilizes sparsity promoting ideas from the field of compressed sensing to reconstruct the composition of a bacterial community (when the input data is 454-like pyrosequencing data). This extremely fast method comes with a several databases that can be custom trained. Typically reconstruction is accurate down to the genus level.
Please read the directions on the installation page.
We have several ways to use quikr. Quikr is first and formost a command line utility, but we also provide python and matlab scripts.
For issues with the quikr software, contact [email protected]
The Quikr project is released under the GPL-3 License. Please view the LICENSE file for more details.
- David Koslicki
- Simon Foucart
- Gail Rosen
- Calvin Morrison
- Jean-Luc Bouchot