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[Web service] program health report

HouzuoGuo edited this page Dec 18, 2023 · 4 revisions


Hosted by laitos web server, the comprehensive report shows:

  • System status:
    • Clock time, uptime.
    • System load, disk, and memory usage.
  • Program status:
    • Public IP address, uptime.
    • Program environment, working directory.
    • Daemon requests statistics.
  • Latest log entries and stack traces.


Under JSON key HTTPHandlers, write a string property called InformationEndpoint, value being the URL location that will serve the report. Keep the location a secret to yourself and make it difficult to guess.

Here is an example setup:


    "HTTPHandlers": {
        "InformationEndpoint": "/very-secret-program-health-report",



The report is hosted by web server, therefore remember to run web server.


In a web browser, navigate to InformationEndpoint of laitos web server, and inspect the program health report in plain text.

Using a programmable HTTP client (e.g. curl), use the Accept: application/json to retrieve JSON-formatted response.


  • Make the endpoint difficult to guess, this helps to prevent misuse of the service.
  • laitos only keeps a small number of recent log entries in memory for inspection. Seek host OS's help to view more historical log entries.
  • Some log messages are automatically discarded due to throttling, see also High request per second and logging
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