Data Science Game Competition Qualification Round Solution by The Nerd Herd Team of the University of Amsterdam.
- Theano
- Lasagne
- Keras
- Chainer
- cupy
- numpy
Each of us liked different frameworks, sorry for that :)
Create a directory data inside the project directory and put sample_submission4.csv, id_train.csv files inside. All images should be in the directory data/roof_images/.
Our solution uses pretrained on ImageNet models of GoogleNet (Going Deeper with Convolutions by Szegedy et al.) and Inception V3 (Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision by Szegedy et al.) available in Lasagne and VGG16 and VGG19 models (Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition by Simonyan and Zisserman) available for Keras to apply transfer learning (Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation by Girshick et al.) for the roof direction classification task.
We use a modification of the ResNet in combination with state-of-the art-based models (GoogleNet, InceptionV3, VGG16, VGG19) on multiple image scales (32x32, 64x64, 80x80, 96x96, 104x104) initialized with pretrained models to build a single bagged model with majority voting strategy. L2 regularization is applied on randomly initialized layers. Following models have been included into the best majority voting model:
Architecture | Image Size | Validation Accuracy | Batch Size | Learning Rate | Dropout Ratio | Test Accuracy (40%) |
GoogleNet | 64x64 | 0.810 | 26 | 0.0073725 | 0.17844 | 0.82675 |
GoogleNet | 64x64 | 0.802 | 37 | 0.0051616 | 0.36257 | 0.80157 |
GoogleNet | 80x80 | 0.811 | 22 | 0.0059465 | 0.26172 | N/A |
GoogleNet | 96x96 | 0.812 | 34 | 0.0061347 | 0.30162 | 0.81907 |
InceptionV3 | 64x64 | 0.810 | 31 | 0.007212 | 0.81836 | |
InceptionV3 | 80x80 | 0.819 | 25 | 0.0031446 | N/A | |
InceptionV3 | 80x80 | 0.820 | 39 | 0.0072336 | N/A | |
InceptionV3 | 96x96 | 0.824 | 28 | 0.0060929 | 0.8264 | |
InceptionV3 | 96x96 | 0.838 | 20 | 0.0042952 | 0.83122 | |
VGG 16 | 80x80 | 0.826 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
VGG 16 | 96x96 | 0.820 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
VGG 16 | 64x64 | 0.816 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 0.82443 |
VGG 16 | 80x80 | 0.806 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
VGG 19 | 112x112 | 0.818 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 0.80800 |
ResNet | 64x64 | 0.805 | 128 | 0.007 | 0.004 | 0.81532 |
ResNet | 32x32 | 0.794 | 128 | 0.007 | 0.004 | 0.78532 |
N/A for the VGG models is due to the hyperparameters not correctly being saved. N/A in the test data column is due to not all models being handed in.
Our models implement a hyperparameters tuning approach described in the paper Random Search for Hyper-Parameter Optimization by James Bergstra and Yoshua Bengio and use validation set for early stopping (Overfitting in Neural Nets: Backpropagation, Conjugate Gradient, and Early Stopping by Caruana et al.) to prevent overfitting. For the validation data we picked last 1000 images of the provided annotated dataset.
To tune GoogleNet models run
python -u --model GoogleNet --train --tune --version v1 --img_dim <image dimension>
To tune InceptionV3 models run
python -u --model GoogleNet --train --tune --version v3 --img_dim <image dimension>
A weight file model.npz will be generated with a best found accuracy on the validation set. Submission file can be generated further by running:
python --model GoogleNet --version v3 --img_dim <image dimension> --name <submission prefix> --weights model.npz
This script will generate a validation internal meta csv file in the submissions_val directory and a submission file in the directory submissions with a proper file name suffices submission prefix
We have used pretrained VGG models, which were developed by Simonyan and Zisserman. The VGG 16 model was taken from this, the weights can be downloaded here. The VGG 19 model can be obtained from this link and its respective weights from this link.
If you wish to train the vgg models, download their weights and place them in shesame folder is located!
In order to tune the VGG 16 model type the following into the command line:
python -u --model VGG --train --tune --version 16 --img_dim <image dimension>
Similarly, in order to tune the VGG 19 model use this command:
python -u --model VGG --train --tune --version 19 --img_dim <image dimension>
After tuning you may generate a submission file for the vgg 16 and 19 respectively,like so:
python --model VGG --version 19 --img_dim <image dimension>
python --model VGG --version 16 --img_dim <image dimension>
Please ensure that image dimensions remain the same for tuning and predicting.
Train a ResNet model with the command:
python —-model ResNet —-train
To create submission csv files run:
python -—model ResNet
To recreate the 32x32 model, instead of import models.ResNet, one should import models.ResNet_32 and change the input images size. The commands will be the same as described above.
In our research we used three different voting strategies; majority voting, majority voting weighted by model accuracy and majority voting weighted by model per class accuracy. The accuracies were determined on our 1000 image validation set but this also provided the problem that came with applying weights on the votes based on the validation set. The bagging approach would overfit on the validation set, therefore we just used normal majority voting in the end.
To make a final bagged submission make sure all submission files from the separate models are in the submissions folder and run:
It will produce a file called submission_vote.csv in the submission folder.
Copyright (c) 2016 Minh Ngo
Copyright (c) 2016 Riaan Zoetmulder
Copyright (c) 2016 Emiel Hoogeboom
Copyright (c) 2016 Wolf Vos
The source code is distributed under the term of the MIT License.