T2SReader - v0.1.3 (Beta) Freeware
T2SReader is a small open source text to speech application for Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and Windows 7.
T2SReader is a Text to Speech Reader that allows you to have the currently selected text in another application converted to speech. Its works with the majority of programs/applications which supports the Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut to copy text, this includes for example Microsoft Word, Internet explorer, Outlook, FireFox etc
System requirements
- any system running Windows 2000, Windows XP, 2003 or Vista.
- less than 0.5 Megabytes of free space on hard disk.
To use T2SReader you must first have Microsoft Speech API 5.1 (MS SAPI 5.1) installed and if you have Windows XP or above this will already be the case. For versions of Windows which don't come with Microsoft speech already installed (e.g. Windows98) download Microsoft's SAPI Text To Speech (TTS) components [12MB] courtesy of PowerTalk, http://sourceforge.net/projects/powertalk/files/sapitts/SAPITTS3.exe/download?use_mirror=kent
This download can also be used with Windows XP and will then add 2 voices (Mike and Mary) to the single voice that is supplied with XP (Sam). To check if you have SAPI installed, look for a voice called 'Microsoft Sam' in Control Panel's Speech Settings (Start -> Control Panel -> Speech -> Text To Speech). Please note that the T2SReader cannot use the earlier SAPI 4, although it is apparently possible to have both SAPI 4 & 5 installed on the same machine.