released this
17 May 18:21
Unlagged Disruptor hit detection - lag compensation technique that allows playing instagib comfortably even with very high ping.
New votes: Shuffle and Poll.
Voting: callvote cooldown, ability to change vote.
Callvote menu: Rules section, maps section: select from server maps rather than your own; download icon next to maps you're missing.
4 force kick effects to choose from: no effect, basejk, no damage, league mod.
Crosshair: cg_crosshairColor, new "dot" crosshair (9).
Ingame "Message of the Day", can be seen from ingame about menu.
Fixed various issues with servers running for a few days or more.
"players" game console command prints basic information about players and their fps and packets.
Set original (97) FOV limit for all players with dmflags 16.
Polished Clan Arena gametype and other previous features.
Bug fixes and performance improvements - notably faster map restart.
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