- Fixed Equipment editing when using The Furnace, because I guess they never thought people might use {{count}} in their own dialogs.
- Merged @Exxar's Damage Reduction: Injury Tolerance code into ADD
- Adjust ADD results to show +3 bonus to HT checks when damage is Ranged, 1/2D.
- Fixed drag and drop macros to be compatible with The Furnace
- Initial implementation of a Slam calculator. Access via the chat message '/slam'. There must be a selected character, and it will fill in the HP and Velocity fields based on that character's HP and Basic Speed fields. If the user has a targeted token, that character's HP will be automatically entered.
- Added i18n tags to most of modifier bucket popup. Just need folks to submit translations!
- Re-skinned the modifier bucket UI.
- Fixed the problem of some browsers causing the Modifier Bucket tooltip to close when selecting something from a dropdown menu.
- Allow any damage type to be applied to a resource tracker. (Resource must be named, have a unique alias, and "Use as Damage Tracker" is checked.)
- Disabled the Min/Max/Current fields from a Resource Tracker editor if opened from the Tracker Manager.
- New/Updated Resource Tracker templates no longer need a Foundry restart to take effect.
- /ev now affects player owned tokens on current scene (and not all Player Characters)
- Made mapped attributes (ex: 'will', 'per', 'vision', etc.) case insensitive
- Allow multi-line entries in QuickNotes
- Added Initiative system setting
- Added GURPS.findAdDisad(), and updated GURPS.findSkillSpell() and GURPS.findAttack() for script macros
- Fixed Explosion damage calculation.
- Added ability to override the text of the OtF buttons ["New Text" Dodge]
- Auto import when in Foundry Data (GCS export includes Portrait)