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Pilviväylä Product Management Plan

Jarkko Moilanen edited this page May 27, 2014 · 32 revisions
  • Document status: draft
  • Responsible persons: Jarkko Moilanen (OKM) & Timo Väliharju (COSS)

1. Introduction

This document describes Pilviväylä –service’s product management plan. Pilviväylä Management Group (EduCloud Steering Group) decides on changes to the document, and maintains this document. As appendices of this document there are role descriptions role descriptions of product management (Appendix 1) and overview of product management (Appendix 2).

2. Pilviväylä – basic information

Basic information
Service name Pilviväylä / EduCloud ?
Service distribution / installation Pilviväylä consists of a number of independent services. Installation and deployment according to separate guidelines [LINK]
Project name Pilviväylä
Schedule of 1st version Pilot will be ready on 15.9.2014
Organisation that orders the service
Organisation that implements the service Companies and the Ministry of Education and Culture will implement the service in cooperation using Demola network. Ministry of Education is responsible for the service.
Public funding Ministry of Education and Culture, OKM
Private funding Members of EduTech consortium.
Repository of code and documentation Github
Unique identifier in the repository (that can be used to find the code / document) -

3. Pilviväylä – roles and organisations

This section defines organisations and persons for roles. The management group decides any changes in the roles and organization.

Role Name / Organisation
Owner Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö (Ministry of Education and Culture, OKM) (in pilot phase?)
Name and structure of Consortium / Community Educloud consortium consists of [viite konsortion jäsenlistaan]
Management Group / Steering Group Development Steering Group:
- Product manager
- Community manager
- Quality assurance manager
- Chief Architect
- X consortium representatives
Product manager Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö (Ministry of Education and Culture, OKM), Jarkko Moilanen, 050-346 0499, [email protected]
Coordinator (Openness) Suomen avoimien tietojärjestelmien keskus – COSS ry (Centre for Open Source Software)
Administrator (repository) Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö (Ministry of Education and Culture, OKM) Jarkko Moilanen, Thomas Vikberg, Ville Jyrkkä
Community Manager Anna Wilkman, COSS
Quality Assuarance Manager
Organisations that provide deployment support DIGILE, CSC, UpCloud (Antti Vilpponen)
Developer Community: EduCloud Development Group Own development team that develops the base product and integrates the others contributions. (Integrator?). EduCloud Development Group consists of:
- Demola team
- Manager (Demola team)
- ...
Developer Community: Internal Development Team Companies that are part of the EduCould Consortium and develop own extensions to the Pilviväylä.
Developer Community: Volunteer Developers Developers that are not part of the Consortium but contribute to the Pilviväylä. E.g. researchers and students.

4. Pilviväylä – life cycle management

This section describes activities of life cycle management.

Activity Description
Consortium meetings and responsibilities Consortium meets twice a year. Consortium agrees meeting practices and decision making rules [viite konsortiosopimukseen]. Community Manager will send the meeting invitations and arranges a meeting. Community Manager will work as a secretary of the meetings. Consortium decides the composition of development steering group annually as a part of consortium meeting. x persons will be selected for development steering group as the representatives of the Consortium.

Consortium defines the Pilviväylä vision and concept that provides a frame for the decisions of Development Steering Group. Consortium also agrees consortium rules and product management plans.
Development Steering Group meetings and responsibilities Development Steering Group decides on meeting schedule, meeting practices and decision making rules (e.g. if decision making by e-mails is allowed). Meeting invitations will be sent by Product Manager. Secretary of the meetings will be Product Manager. Development Steering Group members attend to the consortium meetings and report to the consortium about the status of the Pilviväylä.

Development Steering Group makes Pilviväylä development decisions. All development decisions should be in line with the vision and concept defined by Consortium. Development Steering Group manages the work of the Developer Community that implements the changes to the Pilviväylä.

Development Steering Group is responsible for updating consortium rules and product management practices. Changes to rules and product management plans will be approved by Consortium in consortium meeting.
Developer community meetings and responsibilities Developer community implements the changes to the Pilviväylä. EduCloud Development Group:
- developes the Pilviväylä SW
- integrates the contributions into Pilviväylä
- is responsible about the integrity of the Pilviväylä SW.

Volunteer Developers provide contribution to Pilviväylä as guided by EduCloud Development Group.

The Internal Developement Team is working in cooperation with EduCloud Development Group to develop Pilviväylä SW.

Developer community works by using tools of social media and rely heavily on Github. Developer community meets when needed (technical meetings arranged by EduCloud Development Group).
Release planning Development Steering Group decides on release planning. A new release consists of the source code and related documentation.
Proposing change requests Developer community report new ideas, bugs and enhancements using GitHub issues. Non-technical persons (e.g. content providers, teachers, …) report ideas and enhancements using kysy-service (part of the Pilviväylä).

EduCloud Development Group collects feedback and requirements for Development Steering Group.
Processing change requests Development steering group (Product Manager) collects requirements into backlog and priorities them. Consortium representatives and Chief Architect are used as specialists when analysing requirements. Product Manager prepares a proposal based on discussion.
Deciding on change requests Development Steering Group decides based on Product Manager's proposal about the changes that are in line with the vision and concept of the Pilviväylä. The implementation of other kinds of features will be decided by Consortium.
Implementing change requests Competitive bidding based on the definitions will be organised. An implementation project will be started. Product Manager will act as Project Manager.
Version control Version control of source code and releases is managed in GitHub. Source code is open and no limitations set for delivering it.
Accepting and introducing a new version Acceptance testing and reviews will be coordinated by Product Manager and Quality Assurance Manager. Development Steering Group will accept new Pilviväylä releases for production use.

New releases of the Pilviväylä are validated by Consortium members in their development projects.

Communicating new release …
Urgent error correction to the main version Development Steering Group (Product Manager) will coordinate urgent error corrections.

5. Pilviväylä - financing practices

This section describes how financing practices could be arranged after releasing the first basic version of the service.

Role / Activity Financing
Product Manager
Coordinator (openness)
Maintaining repository
Developing new features
Correcting defects
Splitting financing
Tailoring customer specific version
Participation in community activities
Entrance of a new customer

6. Pilviväylä - documentation

This section describes how Pilviväylä documentation will be managed.

Document Name Location
Functional description
Main user's guide
Installation guide & environment Installing Pilviväylä Servicesäylä-Services
Developer's guide Development guidelines
Database description Pilviväylä architecture and services
Service guide

Description of maintenance of meta data, source code and documentation:

Maintenance task Responsibility
Saving and maintaining meta data
Saving and maintaining source code
Saving and maintaining documentation

Appendix 1: Role descriptions of Product Management

Appendix 2: Overview of Product Management