This code implements a perception pipeline for a self-driving car using Python libraries like OpenCV, NumPy, and custom perception algorithms defined in a separate
The script utilizes a pre-recorded dataset containing various frames, including:
- RGB Image
- Depth Map
- Semantic Segmentation
- Object Detection
Here's a breakdown of the functionalities covered in the code:
1. Data Access and Preprocessing
- Establishes a connection to the dataset handler to access frames and their contents.
- Loads the RGB image, depth map, semantic segmentation, and object detection data for the current frame.
2. Semantic Segmentation Analysis
- Visualizes the semantic segmentation mask, where each pixel value corresponds to a specific object class (e.g., road, vehicle, pedestrian).
- Estimates the x, y, and z coordinates of every pixel in the image using the depth map and camera calibration matrix (function:
3. Drivable Space Estimation
- Extracts the road mask by selecting pixels with a specific value in the segmentation output corresponding to the road class.
- Performs RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus) to fit a plane to the ground points, effectively estimating the ground plane equation (function:
). - Generates a ground mask to identify pixels belonging to the ground plane.
- Visualizes the drivable space in 3D, representing the areas the self-driving car can navigate.
4. Lane Line Detection
- Estimates lane boundaries using the semantic segmentation output (function:
). - Merges and filters the detected lane lines to refine the lane markings (function:
). - Extrapolates the lane lines to the entire image height for better visualization.
- Identifies the closest lane lines to the center of the road (lane midpoint).
- Visualizes the final lane lines.
5. Object Detection and Distance Estimation
- Retrieves object detections from the dataset handler.
- Filters out unreliable detections based on the semantic segmentation mask to eliminate false positives on non-road surfaces (function:
). - Calculates the minimum distance to each detected object using their 2D bounding boxes and the 3D point cloud information (function:
). - Visualizes the filtered detections along with their estimated distances to impact displayed on the image.
Overall, this script demonstrates a perception pipeline for a self-driving car that leverages various computer vision techniques to extract critical information from sensor data, enabling the car to understand its surroundings, identify drivable areas, and detect potential obstacles.
By integrating various perception algorithms, the main script - environment_perception can perform various tasks crucial for self-driving car navigation.