Scripts for rendering meshes, pointclouds, structurenet-type box hierarchies w/ annotations ...etc.
Code was adapted from the visualization code in the structurenet repo.
Install latest version blender. The code here was used with blender-2.93.4-linux-x64
. Make sure that at the end of installing blender, you can run blender by typing "blender" in your terminal
Takes in a path to a folder with two files: pts.txt
and colors.txt
. Both txt's should have the same number of lines (the number of points in your pointcloud). Each line in pts.txt is an xyz coordinate, space-separated. Each line in colors.txt is an rgb value, space-separated.
bash scripts/
Takes in a .obj, and a colors.txt that gives the space-separated rgb values for every vertex (as they appear in the .obj), space separated.
bash scripts/
This graphs out a (structurenet)[] json representation of object part hierarchies.
bash scripts/
This graphs out a (structurenet)[] json representation of object part hierarchies, with nodes with .annot
fields, containing lists of strings for the annotations.