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Releases: igorseabra4/HeroesPowerPlant

Heroes Power Plant v0.8.7

20 Apr 05:04
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  • Camera Editor: allows you to copy a set of coordinates (from game player position, game camera, or HPP view camera) to clipboard and paste on any of the camera entry's position fields.
  • Camera Editor: fixes incorrect display of triggers.
  • Config Editor: adds Ranking Requirements Editor (not yet functional in the stage injector).
  • Config Editor: adds EXE Extractor box. Allows you to open Tsonic_win.exe and copy start positions and splines to your config file.
  • Spline Editor: allows opening splines in any of the legacy formats and saving on JSON for the Reloaded II Stage Injector.
  • Spline Editor: allows editing of rotation values for individual points, as well as automatically setting rotations for a single spline or all of them.
  • Layout Editor: adds misc settings for two objects (Ivy Jump, Alligator)
  • Level Editor: fixes exporting of BSPs with empty materials
  • Main Form: press F6 to teleport the player to the camera position.


If the direct runtime links do not function sometime in the future, consider using the following static link:

Heroes Power Plant v0.8.6 | Hotfix 💀

01 Jan 07:09
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  • Breaking the PRS compressor should be my professional profession at this point.
    ~ Sewer


If the direct runtime links do not function sometime in the future, consider using the following static link:

Heroes Power Plant v0.8.5 | Hotfix 💀

22 Dec 01:48
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  • Updated all dependencies. Previously the PRS compressor was a bit broken, oops!


If the direct runtime links do not function sometime in the future, consider using the following static link:

Heroes Power Plant v0.8.4 | Framework 💀

12 Dec 05:49
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Go home .NET Framework, you're old.
This release ports HeroesPowerPlant to the brand new shining .NET Core.


  • Ported HeroesPowerPlant to .NET Core.
  • Implemented basic exporting to the new spline format used by Reloaded II.


If the direct runtime links do not function sometime in the future, consider using the following static link:

Heroes Power Plant v0.8.3

08 Dec 18:58
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Spline export for Reloaded II Stage Injection Mod


  • Replaced old ReverseEndian with a faster alternative.
  • Drop feature uses collision in some cases where it did not.
  • Added some shadow objects.
  • Left click to select objects.
  • Converted project to PackageReference.

Issues Fixed

  • Infinitely stuck compiles for some developers. cough Dream
  • Fix rotations for some decoration.


  • Replaced original Remote Control with interface to Reloaded II mod.
  • Updated all NuGet dependencies.

Heroes Power Plant v0.8.2

29 Jun 22:03
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  • Updates mostly on the Layout Editor: more object misc. settings for both Heroes and Shadow

Heroes Power Plant v0.8.1

16 Jun 07:16
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  • Fixes issue in which a layout object would cause the program to crash.

Heroes Power Plant v0.8

16 Jun 05:56
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  • Reminder: a lot of Heroes Power Plant's functions are explained in the file. If you're unsure about a feature, try looking for its explanation there.
  • New feature: Automatic check for updates. If "Check For Updates on Startup" is checked in the Options menu, Heroes Power Plant will automatically check for updates when starting, and if one is found, asks you to update it.
  • You can also check for updates manually with the "Check For Updates Now" button.
  • Level Editor: Assimp support for model import/export.
    • This adds support for importing and exporting of BSPs to many more model formats (although OBJ and DAE are still preferred; FBX import also seems to work very well).
    • Previously, HPP could only export to OBJ, which could be imported into 3ds Max with vertex colors with the included importvcolorobj MAXScript. I still recommend doing this, as even though now other formats are supported, most don't seem to import correctly in 3d model editors.
  • Level Editor: is able to open TXD files from Shadow the Hedgehog straight from the ONEs when loading a level folder (you don't need to extract the textures manually anymore).
  • Level Editor: under "ONE File", you can check "Disable Filesize Warning" - if this is checked, HPP will not warn you anymore when importing a BSP file that's too big. Note that, if you do this, you must use the TONER mod for Reloaded Mod Loader so large BSPs will work without crashing the game.
  • Visibility Editor: AutoBuild feature. This is similar to AutoChunk (which automatically sets chunk boundaries for one chunk), but AutoBuild actually sets boundaries automatically for every chunk in the stage. This will completely replace all existing visibility data. It uses the AutoChunk Add to add an offset to the boundaries.
  • Shadow Spline Editor: is now able to edit a few unknown values and, finally, to save the edited spline file.
  • Collision Editor (Heroes) - Force reload. Forces the running game to update the collision file (works mid-game).
  • Layout Editor: Updates misc. settings and rendering functions for some objects.
  • Spline Editor (Heroes): will try to guess the type of the spline you are importing based on the OBJ file name. The words it looks for are "loop", "rail", "grind" and "ball". If none of these words are found, the spline type will be set to Null (which you can change any time in the editor).

Heroes Power Plant v0.7.6

09 May 03:01
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  • Layout Editor: Copy and Paste buttons will place the selected object on clipboard and paste an object from clipboard, respectively (you can even paste the object as text to save it somewhere else, then copy when you want to use it). Objects cannot be copied between Heroes and Shadow.
  • Layout Editor: Duplicate button creates a duplicate of the currently selected object.
  • Layout Editor: now allows not having any object selected.
  • Fixed bug in which copying layout objects would break their misc. settings.
  • Up, Left, Down, Right arrow keys now rotate view up, left, down, right as an alternative control.

Heroes Power Plant v0.7.5

13 Apr 23:05
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  • Major code refactoring. Should allow easier management of the program's code.
  • Allows multiple instances of Collision Editor and Layout Editor open in the same HPP window, each with a different file.
  • Project JSON files made with previous versions of HPP, when opened, will not load the collision and layout files (just load them again and save the project JSON to fix this)
  • Layout Editor: right click the view while holding shift to place a copy of the currently selected object in the scene. The object will be placed on the exact position you click (on top of the level model, collision model, or another layout object).
  • Layout Editor: More object misc. setting labels and models
  • Layout Editor: allows editing of 8 bytes in the object entries whose functions are still not well known. Checking the "Auto" checkbox will make HPP ignore the values you input and decide which ones to use itself when saving (like it did before). This will make it lose the data it previously had. If "Auto" is unchecked, it will use the values which were present in the file before or which you input when saving. Values are unique to each object.