returns to the same page after finishing a program and after closing a folder
motors will float after running a program
long hostnames will shrink to fit at the top
inverted screen issue fixed
refresh button on the first page, in case a new program you wrote doesn't show up
last page will show a return arrow to make navigation more clear
fixed touchscreen methods
improved documentation, including optional arguments
the align parameter of drawAutoText now works, and in every orientation
added wrapText option to askQuestion, askYesOrNoQuestion, and showMessage
new advanced keyboard example (60-Games/
Web Interface
tab titles have been clarified on the logs page
login is no longer required
KeyPressCount will now reset when initializing a PiStorms object
now copied in the repository (and still available online)
new quick links to the classes you are most likely looking for
You can’t perform that action at this time.