Python implementations of the FuzzykCenters algorithms for fuzzy clustering categorical data:
pip install fkcenters
from FkCenters.FkCenters import FkCenters
from FkCenters import TDef
import numpy as np
X = np.array([[0,0,0],[0,1,1],[0,0,0],[1,0,1],[2,2,2],[2,3,2],[2,3,2]])
y = np.array([0,0,0,0,1,1,1])
algo = FkCenters(X,y ,k=TDef.k, alpha=TDef.alpha)
SKIP LOADING distMatrix because: True bd=None yellow
Saving Overlap to: saved_dist_matrices/json/Overlap_None.json
Purity: 1.00 NMI: 1.00 ARI: 1.00 Sil: 0.59 Acc: 1.00 Recall: 1.00 Precision: 1.00
Fuzzy scores PC:1.00 NPC:1.00 FHV↓:0.02 FS↓:-2000.00 XB↓:0.11 BH↓:0.06 BWS:-2000.00 FPC:3.50 SIL_R:0.70 FSIL:0.70 MPO:12.15 NPE:0.01 PE:0.01 PEB:0.01
X: Categorical dataset
y: Labels of object (for evaluation only)
n_init: Number of initializations
n_clusters: Number of target clusters
max_iter: Maximum iterations
If the variable MeasureManager.IS_LOAD_AUTO is set to "True": The DILCA will get the pre-caculated matrix
cluster_representatives: List of final representatives
labels_: Prediction labels
u: Fuzzy membership
cost_: Final sum of squared distance from objects to their centroids
n_iter_: Number of iterations
Mau, Toan Nguyen, and Van-Nam Huynh. "Kernel-Based k-Representatives Algorithm for Fuzzy Clustering of Categorical Data." 2021 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). IEEE, 2021.