Stanford University CS229 Spring 2022 Project
Contributors: Daniel Huang, Ruth-Ann Armstrong, Radhika Kapoor
For running the code as-is, it is highly recommended to import the environment from environment.yml
using conda env create -f environment.yml
Two classes for neural networks are implemented: n_layer_neural_network()
and two_layer_neural_network()
.The n-layer neural network is comprised of a user-specified
contains ReLu
and Sigmoid
activations with their corresponding derivative functions). More specific documentation can be found in the docstring of each method. An example of creating, training, and evaluating an n-layer neural network is seen below:
from neural_network import n_layer_neural_network
import util
# Specify model sizes
n_features = 100
n_hidden = 10
n_layers = 5
n_classes = 3
nn = n_layer_neural_network(n_features, n_hidden, layers, n_levels,
[util.sigmoid] * n_layers, [util.dsigmoid] * n_layers)
# Gather data
train_data, train_labels = load_train_set()
dev_data, dev_labels = load_dev_set()
test_data, test_labels = load_test_set()
# Specify model training parameters
reg = 0
lr = 0.1
epochs = 50
batch_size = 10
# Fit model
cost_train, accuracy_train, cost_dev, accuracy_dev =, train_labels, batch_size=batch_size, num_epochs=epochs, dev_data=dev_data, dev_labels=dev_labels,learning_rate=lr, reg=reg, print_epochs=True)
# Evaluate model
pred_test = nn.predict_one_hot(test_data) # predict() for raw output probabilities
# Confusion matrix on the test set
print((pred_test.T @ test_labels).astype(int))
The 2-layer neural network is simply the a n-layer neural network with only 1 hidden layer with a sigmoid activation function. It can be created similar to an n-layer neural network with fewer necessary parameters.
The Naive Bayes model is implemented in the class naive_bayes_model()
. Since it derives from the general model class util.classification_model
, the workflow is extremely similar to that shown above for the n-layer neural network with fewer necessary parameters. See docstring documentation for more specific information.
The K-means model was imported from sklearn.cluster.KMeans
with no additional tweaks.
- Isolate and refine hyperparameter search
- Create plots for k-means
- Create plots for hyperparameter search
- Clean up k-means
- Unify
API with more dataset filter options- Group by books (much less data, but more descriptive)
Appending other features into feature list- Total number of words in the book
- Average length of sentences
- Unique words
Sentence repetition?
- Encode the chunks of data using a NLP vectorizer?
- Implement n-layer model
- Develop code to auto-test multiple
- Complete neural network class (Daniel)
- fit()
- forward_prop()
- backward_prop()
- predict()
- Write basic neural network test
- Complete naive bayes implementation in a class
- Process dataset
- Create class for each book containing attributes:
- Title (str)
- ISBN (int64)
- Level (int) (0:A, 1:B, etc...)
- Words (list of separated words stripped of ending punctuation)
- Other features TBD
- Create word-to-index mapping of entire dataset (Must have all of the relevant words from all batches)
- Save into a
file so it can be loaded more easily
- Save into a
- Create class for each book containing attributes:
- Develop k-means model
- Import other language models?