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Classification of Children's with Various Supervised and Unsupervised Methods

Stanford University CS229 Spring 2022 Project

Contributors: Daniel Huang, Ruth-Ann Armstrong, Radhika Kapoor

Model summary and usage

For running the code as-is, it is highly recommended to import the environment from environment.yml using conda env create -f environment.yml.

Neural network model (

Two classes for neural networks are implemented: n_layer_neural_network() and two_layer_neural_network().The n-layer neural network is comprised of a user-specified $n_{\text{hidden layers}} = n_{HL}$ fully connected hidden layers each of uniform size $n_{\text{hidden}} = n_H$ with user-specified activation functions. ( contains ReLu and Sigmoid activations with their corresponding derivative functions). More specific documentation can be found in the docstring of each method. An example of creating, training, and evaluating an n-layer neural network is seen below:

from neural_network import n_layer_neural_network
import util

# Specify model sizes
n_features = 100
n_hidden = 10
n_layers = 5
n_classes = 3
nn = n_layer_neural_network(n_features, n_hidden, layers, n_levels,
                            [util.sigmoid] * n_layers, [util.dsigmoid] * n_layers)
# Gather data
train_data, train_labels = load_train_set()
dev_data, dev_labels = load_dev_set()
test_data, test_labels = load_test_set()
# Specify model training parameters
reg = 0
lr = 0.1
epochs = 50
batch_size = 10
# Fit model
cost_train, accuracy_train, cost_dev, accuracy_dev =, train_labels, batch_size=batch_size, num_epochs=epochs, dev_data=dev_data, dev_labels=dev_labels,learning_rate=lr, reg=reg, print_epochs=True)
# Evaluate model
pred_test = nn.predict_one_hot(test_data) # predict() for raw output probabilities
# Confusion matrix on the test set
print((pred_test.T @ test_labels).astype(int))

The 2-layer neural network is simply the a n-layer neural network with only 1 hidden layer with a sigmoid activation function. It can be created similar to an n-layer neural network with fewer necessary parameters.

Naive Bayes model (

The Naive Bayes model is implemented in the class naive_bayes_model(). Since it derives from the general model class util.classification_model, the workflow is extremely similar to that shown above for the n-layer neural network with fewer necessary parameters. See docstring documentation for more specific information.

K-means model (

The K-means model was imported from sklearn.cluster.KMeans with no additional tweaks.

TODO list (Complete as of 6/6/2022)

Data analysis

  • Isolate and refine hyperparameter search
  • Create plots for k-means
  • Create plots for hyperparameter search
  • Clean up k-means

  • Unify util.load_dataset API with more dataset filter options
    • Group by books (much less data, but more descriptive)
    • Appending other features into feature list
      • Total number of words in the book
      • Average length of sentences
      • Unique words
      • Sentence repetition?
  • Encode the chunks of data using a NLP vectorizer?

  • Implement n-layer model
  • Develop code to auto-test multiple
  • Complete neural network class (Daniel)
    • fit()
    • forward_prop()
    • backward_prop()
    • predict()
  • Write basic neural network test

  • Complete naive bayes implementation in a class

  • Process dataset
    • Create class for each book containing attributes:
      • Title (str)
      • ISBN (int64)
      • Level (int) (0:A, 1:B, etc...)
      • Words (list of separated words stripped of ending punctuation)
      • Other features TBD
    • Create word-to-index mapping of entire dataset (Must have all of the relevant words from all batches)
      • Save into a .csv file so it can be loaded more easily


  • Develop k-means model
  • Import other language models?


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