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Isomorphism of PERs and Modest Sets
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rahulc29 committed Aug 16, 2024
1 parent 75c6f59 commit 1b95e78
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Showing 7 changed files with 261 additions and 38 deletions.
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions src/Realizability/Modest/#SubQuotientCanonicalPERToOriginal.agda#
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure using (⟨_⟩; str)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.FinData
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT hiding (map)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv
open import Cubical.Categories.Category
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Reasoning
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Pullback
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor hiding (Id)
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.Slice
open import Categories.CartesianMorphism
open import Categories.GenericObject
open import Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra
open import Realizability.ApplicativeStructure
open import Realizability.PropResizing

module Realizability.Modest.SubQuotientCanonicalPERToOriginal {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (ca : CombinatoryAlgebra A) where

open import Realizability.Assembly.Base ca
open import Realizability.Assembly.Morphism ca
open import Realizability.Assembly.Terminal ca
open import Realizability.Assembly.SetsReflectiveSubcategory ca
open import Realizability.Modest.Base ca
open import Realizability.Modest.UniformFamily ca
open import Realizability.Modest.CanonicalPER ca
open import Realizability.PERs.PER ca
open import Realizability.PERs.SubQuotient ca

open Assembly
open CombinatoryAlgebra ca
open Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra.Combinators ca renaming (i to Id; ia≡a to Ida≡a)
open Contravariant UNIMOD
open UniformFamily
open DisplayedUFamMap

_ {X : Type ℓ}
(asmX : Assembly X)
(isModestAsmX : isModest asmX) where

22 changes: 8 additions & 14 deletions src/Realizability/Modest/CanonicalPER.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,19 +48,13 @@ module _
(isModestAsmX : isModest asmX) where

canonicalPER : PER
PER.relation canonicalPER a b = ∃[ x ∈ X ] a ⊩[ asmX ] x × b ⊩[ asmX ] x
PER.isPropValued canonicalPER a b = isPropPropTrunc
fst (PER.isPER canonicalPER) a b ∃x = (λ { (x , a⊩x , b⊩x) x , b⊩x , a⊩x }) ∃x
snd (PER.isPER canonicalPER) a b c ∃x ∃x' =
(x , a⊩x , b⊩x) ∃x
(x' , b⊩x' , c⊩x') ∃x'
x≡x' : x ≡ x'
x≡x' = isModestAsmX x x' b b⊩x b⊩x'

c⊩x : c ⊩[ asmX ] x
c⊩x = subst (c ⊩[ asmX ]_) (sym x≡x') c⊩x'
return (x , a⊩x , c⊩x)
PER.relation canonicalPER a b = Σ[ x ∈ X ] a ⊩[ asmX ] x × b ⊩[ asmX ] x
PER.isPropValued canonicalPER a b (x , a⊩x , b⊩x) (x' , a⊩x' , b⊩x') =
(λ x isProp× (asmX .⊩isPropValued a x) (asmX .⊩isPropValued b x))
(isModestAsmX x x' a a⊩x a⊩x')
fst (PER.isPER canonicalPER) a b (x , a⊩x , b⊩x) = x , b⊩x , a⊩x
snd (PER.isPER canonicalPER) a b c (x , a⊩x , b⊩x) (x' , b⊩x' , c⊩x') =
x' , subst (a ⊩[ asmX ]_) (isModestAsmX x x' b b⊩x b⊩x') a⊩x , c⊩x'

17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion src/Realizability/Modest/GenericUniformFamily.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,22 @@ GenericObject.isGeneric genericUniformFamily {X , asmX} M =
cart' : isCartesian' f fᴰ
cart' {Y , asmY} {N} g hᴰ =
(! , {!!}) , {!!} where

! : DisplayedUFamMap asmY asmX g N M
DisplayedUFamMap.fibrewiseMap ! y Ny = {!hᴰ .fibrewiseMap y Ny!}
DisplayedUFamMap.fibrewiseMap ! y Ny = lhsIsoRhs .fst .map {!hᴰ .fibrewiseMap y Ny!} module !Definition where
gy : X
gy = g .map y

canonicalPERMgy : PER
canonicalPERMgy = canonicalPER (M .assemblies gy) (M .isModestFamily gy)

lhsModestSet : MOD .Category.ob
lhsModestSet = subQuotient canonicalPERMgy , subQuotientAssembly canonicalPERMgy , isModestSubQuotientAssembly canonicalPERMgy

rhsModestSet : MOD .Category.ob
rhsModestSet = M .carriers gy , M .assemblies gy , M .isModestFamily gy

lhsIsoRhs : CatIso MOD lhsModestSet rhsModestSet
lhsIsoRhs = {!!}
DisplayedUFamMap.isTracked ! = {!!}

147 changes: 147 additions & 0 deletions src/Realizability/Modest/SubQuotientCanonicalPERIso.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure using (⟨_⟩; str)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.FinData
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT hiding (map)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv
open import Cubical.Categories.Category
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Reasoning
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Pullback
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor hiding (Id)
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.Slice
open import Categories.CartesianMorphism
open import Categories.GenericObject
open import Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra
open import Realizability.ApplicativeStructure
open import Realizability.PropResizing

module Realizability.Modest.SubQuotientCanonicalPERIso {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (ca : CombinatoryAlgebra A) where

open import Realizability.Assembly.Base ca
open import Realizability.Assembly.Morphism ca
open import Realizability.Assembly.Terminal ca
open import Realizability.Assembly.SetsReflectiveSubcategory ca
open import Realizability.Modest.Base ca
open import Realizability.Modest.UniformFamily ca
open import Realizability.Modest.CanonicalPER ca
open import Realizability.PERs.PER ca
open import Realizability.PERs.SubQuotient ca

open Assembly
open CombinatoryAlgebra ca
open Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra.Combinators ca renaming (i to Id; ia≡a to Ida≡a)
open Contravariant UNIMOD
open UniformFamily
open DisplayedUFamMap

_ {X : Type ℓ}
(asmX : Assembly X)
(isModestAsmX : isModest asmX) where

theCanonicalPER : PER
theCanonicalPER = canonicalPER asmX isModestAsmX

theSubQuotient : Assembly (subQuotient theCanonicalPER)
theSubQuotient = subQuotientAssembly theCanonicalPER

invert : AssemblyMorphism theSubQuotient asmX invert sq = SQ.rec (asmX .isSetX) reprAction reprActionCoh sq module Invert where

reprAction : Σ[ a ∈ A ] (a ~[ theCanonicalPER ] a) X
reprAction (a , x , a⊩x , _) = x

reprActionCoh : a b a~b reprAction a ≡ reprAction b
reprActionCoh (a , x , a⊩x , _) (b , x' , b⊩x' , _) (x'' , a⊩x'' , b⊩x'') =
≡⟨ isModestAsmX x x'' a a⊩x a⊩x'' ⟩
≡⟨ isModestAsmX x'' x' b b⊩x'' b⊩x' ⟩
AssemblyMorphism.tracker invert = return (Id , (λ sq a a⊩sq goal sq a a⊩sq)) where
realizability : (sq : subQuotient theCanonicalPER) (a : A) a ⊩[ theSubQuotient ] sq a ⊩[ asmX ] (invert .map sq)
realizability sq a a⊩sq =
{P = motive}
sq a a⊩sq where

motive : (sq : subQuotient theCanonicalPER) Type _
motive sq = (a : A) a ⊩[ theSubQuotient ] sq a ⊩[ asmX ] (invert .map sq)

isPropMotive : sq isProp (motive sq)
isPropMotive sq = isPropΠ2 λ a a⊩sq asmX .⊩isPropValued _ _

elemMotive : (x : domain theCanonicalPER) motive [ x ]
elemMotive (r , x , r⊩x , _) a (x' , a⊩x' , r⊩x') = subst (a ⊩[ asmX ]_) (isModestAsmX x' x r r⊩x' r⊩x) a⊩x'

goal : (sq : subQuotient theCanonicalPER) (a : A) a ⊩[ theSubQuotient ] sq (Id ⨾ a) ⊩[ asmX ] (invert .map sq)
goal sq a a⊩sq = subst (_⊩[ asmX ] _) (sym (Ida≡a a)) (realizability sq a a⊩sq)

forward : AssemblyMorphism asmX theSubQuotient forward x = subquot module Forward where
mainMap : Σ[ a ∈ A ] (a ⊩[ asmX ] x) subQuotient theCanonicalPER
mainMap (a , a⊩x) = [ a , x , a⊩x , a⊩x ]

mainMap2Constant : 2-Constant mainMap
mainMap2Constant (a , a⊩x) (b , b⊩x) = eq/ _ _ (x , a⊩x , b⊩x)

subquot : subQuotient theCanonicalPER
subquot = PT.rec→Set squash/ mainMap mainMap2Constant (asmX .⊩surjective x)
AssemblyMorphism.tracker forward =
(Id ,
(λ x a a⊩x
{P = λ surj (Id ⨾ a) ⊩[ theSubQuotient ] (PT.rec→Set squash/ (Forward.mainMap x) (Forward.mainMap2Constant x) surj)}
(λ surj theSubQuotient .⊩isPropValued (Id ⨾ a) (PT.rec→Set squash/ (Forward.mainMap x) (Forward.mainMap2Constant x) surj))
(λ { (b , b⊩x) x , subst (_⊩[ asmX ] x) (sym (Ida≡a a)) a⊩x , b⊩x })
(asmX .⊩surjective x)))

subQuotientCanonicalIso : CatIso MOD (X , asmX , isModestAsmX) (subQuotient theCanonicalPER , theSubQuotient , isModestSubQuotientAssembly theCanonicalPER)
fst subQuotientCanonicalIso = forward
isIso.inv (snd subQuotientCanonicalIso) = invert
isIso.sec (snd subQuotientCanonicalIso) = goal where
pointwise : sq (invert ⊚ forward) .map sq ≡ sq
pointwise sq =
(λ sq squash/ (forward .map (invert .map sq)) sq)
(λ { d@(a , x , a⊩x , a⊩'x)
{P = λ surj PT.rec→Set squash/ (Forward.mainMap (Invert.reprAction [ d ] d)) (Forward.mainMap2Constant (Invert.reprAction [ d ] d)) surj ≡ [ d ]}
(λ surj squash/ _ _)
(λ { (b , b⊩x) eq/ _ _ (x , b⊩x , a⊩x) })
(asmX .⊩surjective x) })

goal : invert ⊚ forward ≡ identityMorphism theSubQuotient
goal = AssemblyMorphism≡ _ _ (funExt pointwise)
isIso.ret (snd subQuotientCanonicalIso) = goal where
pointwise : x (forward ⊚ invert) .map x ≡ x
pointwise x =
{P =
λ surj
invert .map
(PT.rec→Set squash/ (Forward.mainMap x) (Forward.mainMap2Constant x) surj)
≡ x}
(λ surj asmX .isSetX _ _)
(λ { (a , a⊩x) refl })
(asmX .⊩surjective x)

goal : forward ⊚ invert ≡ identityMorphism asmX
goal = AssemblyMorphism≡ _ _ (funExt pointwise)
49 changes: 31 additions & 18 deletions src/Realizability/Modest/SubQuotientCanonicalPERToOriginal.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,24 +56,37 @@ module
theSubQuotient = subQuotientAssembly theCanonicalPER

invert : AssemblyMorphism theSubQuotient asmX invert sq = SQ.rec (asmX .isSetX) mainMap mainMapCoh sq where invert sq = SQ.rec (asmX .isSetX) reprAction reprActionCoh sq module Invert where

mainMap : Σ[ a ∈ A ] (theCanonicalPER .PER.relation a a) X
mainMap (a , a~a) = PT.rec→Set (asmX .isSetX) action 2ConstantAction a~a where
action : Σ[ x ∈ X ] ((a ⊩[ asmX ] x) × (a ⊩[ asmX ] x)) X
action (x , _ , _) = x
reprAction : Σ[ a ∈ A ] (a ~[ theCanonicalPER ] a) X
reprAction (a , x , a⊩x , _) = x

2ConstantAction : 2-Constant action
2ConstantAction (x , a⊩x , _) (x' , a⊩x' , _) = isModestAsmX x x' a a⊩x a⊩x'
reprActionCoh : a b a~b reprAction a ≡ reprAction b
reprActionCoh (a , x , a⊩x , _) (b , x' , b⊩x' , _) (x'' , a⊩x'' , b⊩x'') =
≡⟨ isModestAsmX x x'' a a⊩x a⊩x'' ⟩
≡⟨ isModestAsmX x'' x' b b⊩x'' b⊩x' ⟩
AssemblyMorphism.tracker invert = return (Id , (λ sq a a⊩sq goal sq a a⊩sq)) where
realizability : (sq : subQuotient theCanonicalPER) (a : A) a ⊩[ theSubQuotient ] sq a ⊩[ asmX ] (invert .map sq)
realizability sq a a⊩sq =
{P = motive}
sq a a⊩sq where

motive : (sq : subQuotient theCanonicalPER) Type _
motive sq = (a : A) a ⊩[ theSubQuotient ] sq a ⊩[ asmX ] (invert .map sq)

isPropMotive : sq isProp (motive sq)
isPropMotive sq = isPropΠ2 λ a a⊩sq asmX .⊩isPropValued _ _

elemMotive : (x : domain theCanonicalPER) motive [ x ]
elemMotive (r , x , r⊩x , _) a (x' , a⊩x' , r⊩x') = subst (a ⊩[ asmX ]_) (isModestAsmX x' x r r⊩x' r⊩x) a⊩x'

goal : (sq : subQuotient theCanonicalPER) (a : A) a ⊩[ theSubQuotient ] sq (Id ⨾ a) ⊩[ asmX ] (invert .map sq)
goal sq a a⊩sq = subst (_⊩[ asmX ] _) (sym (Ida≡a a)) (realizability sq a a⊩sq)

mainMapCoh : a b a~b mainMap a ≡ mainMap b
mainMapCoh (a , a~a) (b , b~b) a~b =
{P = λ a~a b~b a~b mainMap (a , a~a) ≡ mainMap (b , b~b)}
(λ _ _ _ asmX .isSetX _ _)
(λ { (x , a⊩x , _) (x' , b⊩x' , _) (x'' , a⊩x'' , b⊩x'')
{!isModestAsmX x x' !} })
AssemblyMorphism.tracker invert = {!!}
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/Realizability/Modest/UnresizedGeneric.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,15 +54,15 @@ module Unresized
theCanonicalPER x = canonicalPER (M . assemblies x) (M .isModestFamily x)

elimRealizerForMx : (x : X) (Mx : M .carriers x) Σ[ a ∈ A ] (a ⊩[ M .assemblies x ] Mx) subQuotient (canonicalPER (M .assemblies x) (M .isModestFamily x))
elimRealizerForMx x Mx (a , a⊩Mx) = [ a , (return (Mx , a⊩Mx , a⊩Mx)) ]
elimRealizerForMx x Mx (a , a⊩Mx) = [ a , Mx , a⊩Mx , a⊩Mx ]

elimRealizerForMx2Constant : x Mx 2-Constant (elimRealizerForMx x Mx)
elimRealizerForMx2Constant x Mx (a , a⊩Mx) (b , b⊩Mx) =
(a , (return (Mx , a⊩Mx , a⊩Mx)))
(b , return (Mx , b⊩Mx , b⊩Mx))
(return (Mx , a⊩Mx , b⊩Mx))
(a , Mx , a⊩Mx , a⊩Mx)
(b , Mx , b⊩Mx , b⊩Mx)
(Mx , a⊩Mx , b⊩Mx)

mainMapType : Type _
mainMapType =
Expand All @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module Unresized
((λ { (c , c⊩Mx)
(elimRealizerForMx x Mx (c , c⊩Mx)) ,
(λ a a⊩x b b⊩Mx
subst (_⊩[ subQuotientAssembly (theCanonicalPER x) ] (elimRealizerForMx x Mx (c , c⊩Mx))) (sym (λ*2ComputationRule (# zero) a b)) (return (Mx , b⊩Mx , c⊩Mx))) }))
subst (_⊩[ subQuotientAssembly (theCanonicalPER x) ] (elimRealizerForMx x Mx (c , c⊩Mx))) (sym (λ*2ComputationRule (# zero) a b)) (Mx , b⊩Mx , c⊩Mx)) }))
(λ { (a , a⊩Mx) (b , b⊩Mx)
Σ≡Prop (λ out isPropΠ4 λ a a⊩x b b⊩Mx str (subQuotientRealizability (theCanonicalPER x) (λ*2 (# zero) ⨾ a ⨾ b) out)) (elimRealizerForMx2Constant x Mx (a , a⊩Mx) (b , b⊩Mx)) })
(M .assemblies x .⊩surjective Mx)

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