Learning Equality bridges the digital divide to foster effective learning opportunities, through open source products and tools. These center around the Kolibri learning platform, specifically designed for low-resource, low-connectivity environments.
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Open source takes up a lot of my free time. Appreciate this and become a sponsor to get more features and professional support.
Support Cyberus Technology's open source work on the KVM backend for VirtualBox.
I'm a C#/.NET developer working on TerraFX, a framework for developing multimedia-based applications and contributing to other OSS projects.
Hey! My name is Fabian alias S3cur3Th1sSh1t.
I'm contributing to the OffensiveSecurity tool-set to spread knowledge and techniques for Pentesters and or Red-Teams. This as well as writing blog posts for the community is done in my spare time.
Tidepool is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The data behind diabetes management can be overwhelming — understanding it all is empowering. Turn your diabetes data points into accessible, actionable, and meaningful insights with Tidepool.
maintainer of Void Linux, ZFSBootMenu, and many projects by MiaowWare
I've been creating widely-used open source projects since 2014. I currently spend about half my time on open source and my other half on providing private consulting. My sponsorship goal is to focus only on open source so I can help more people.
Support Accrescent's open source work
Sponsor ssibrahimbas for better open-source development
Maintainer of the awesome WebSSH "iOS / macOS SSH, SFTP and Port Forwarding client"
I'm a passionate Salesforce advocate with lots of love for Open Source. Most of my current work is focused on Salesforce development tools and prebuilt solutions. I'm also a Node.js and Javascript lover.
Support Depau’s open source work
Support Moustachauve’s open source work on Cookie-Editor, WLED Native and other projects.
Support my contributions to great open source projects!
React & Next.js • JavaScript & TypeScript • Freelance Full-Stack Web Developer • Technical Co-Founder • Father of 2 • multiple-time GitHub Star
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