A confused variety of random things, from blocks to items to entities. The point is there is no point.
Farrago is free to use in modpacks, but please don't compile it yourself. Use the release version.
If you add Farrago to your modpack, please add it's name, and a link to it if it's public, to the wiki (edit).
You do not need to ask to add Farrago to a modpack. Just try to do what's put above. They're both optional, but I'd appreciate if you follow them.
Farrago uses the GitHub Releases system to manage downloads. Release builds are for modpacks and the unadventurous, pre-releases are for the adventurous and non-modpack users that take frequent world backups.
./gradlew build
. Your file is at ./build/libs/Farrago-<version>.jar