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Russell edited this page Jun 28, 2020 · 2 revisions


Command: /table <table-name> <column> <modifier>

Example: /table critarm +20 /table career human

Note: /table <anything-unrecognized> will pull up the table help menu.

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Command: /cond <condition-name>

Example: /cond ablaze /cond unconsc

Note: /cond will match the closest spelling condition and display it. /cond abl == /cond ablaze.

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Character Generation

Command: /char

Note: Begins character generation

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Name Generation

Command: /name <species> <gender>

Species: Valid entries are the 'key' values for species - human dwarf halfling welf helf

Note: Generates a name in chat (Also accessible by clicking the "Name" label on a an NPC or creature sheet)

Availability test

Command: /avail <settlement> <rarity> <option:modifier>

Settlement: Valid entries are village town city

Rarity: Valid entries are common scarce rare exotic

Modifier: Optional. A modifier for the roll. Ex: 10 for +10%

Note: Roll an availability test to determine the availability and the stock of an item.


Command: /pay <String of money>

String of money: A string that provides the information on the type of money and the quantity to remove from the player's character. It uses the abbreviations of WFRP: bp, ss and gc.


  • /pay 3gc2bp
  • /pay 450bp
  • /pay 2ss12bp4gc

Note: If this command is sent by the GM, it will create instead a chat card where players are offered to pay for the amount entered by the GM.


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