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Money and availability

Russell edited this page Jun 28, 2020 · 2 revisions

There is multiple features available to the GM and its players made to facilitate dealing with the money system of WFRP.

Posting an item to the chat

Annotation 2020-04-26 030249

If a physical item is posted to chat, the players or the GM will be able to start an availability test for that item. A player will also be able to pay the price of the item. Note: This won't add the item to their inventory, only make the payment. To add the item, you can simply drag & drop the item from the chat to the character sheet as normal.

Annotation 2020-04-26 030759


There is two commands available related to money and items:

  • /pay
  • /avail

More details for these commands can be found here: Wiki Link

The /pay command, when executed by a GM, will create a chat card with a "Pay" button for players to click. Tolls have never been easier!

Annotation 2020-04-26 031737

Consolidate the moneys

Annotation 2020-04-26 031146

By clicking on this icon on a character sheet, the actor's coins will be consolidated into their largest denominations possible, or the fewest number of coins. Note: This action is automatically called if a player tries to pay without having enough of one type of money.

Example: Player A has 0 GC and 30 SS. If he consolidates his money, he will get 1 GC and 10 SS.


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