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Homebrew Rules
Disclaimer: Some of these rules are meant to work in tandem with other rules, so if one rule may seem broken, there may be another one that reins it in.
🟢 - Implemented
⚫ - Non-Implemented due to no code related to the mechanic
🔴 - Non-Implemented, likely work in progress
⚫ Random Talents: When the die result contains an 8, you may replace your rolled talent with either with Aethyric Attunement or Second Sight if the 8 is in the tens or ones, respectively. If 88 is rolled, you can replace the rolled talent with both. This exchange can only happen on the first instance of a roll including an 8, the rest are ignored.
These innate talents would lead to a very troubled childhood. However, these may garner interest from the Colleges of Magic, or a Witch Hunter.
⚫ Motivation: Removed. You get 1 Resolve whenever you complete a Short Term Ambition and 1 Resilience whenever you complete a Long Term Ambition.
⚫ Trappings: To enter a career, you need one of the listed trappings. To complete the career, you need all.
⚫ Income: Each Career tier has its own income skill, and to get the income from your current tier's status, you must use that skill.
🟢 Wizard: Replace Melee (Polearm) with Melee (Brawling)
🟢 Feint: The feint roll is unopposed.
🔴 Dual Wielder: Removes Minimum 1 advantage spent when attacking with offhand weapon, see Two Weapon Fighting below
🟢 Menacing: Remove Tests:
⚫ Combat Master: You only count Combat Master for the purposes of being outnumbered.
🟢 Instinctive Diction/Aethyric Attunement: Instead of nullifying miscasts outright, for every rank of ID/AA you have, Rolls onthe miscast table coming from a successful test apply a –10 modifier (maybe –20), if the result is 0 or below, either roll on the lesser miscast table with the same modifier, or the miscast is nullified if it was a Minor Miscast.
🟢 Advantage: Instead of +10 per Advantage, you gain +1 SL per Advantage on successful tests
🟢 Difficulty: Range shifted to –40/-30/-20/0/20/30/40
🟢 Extended Tests: Extended Test SL can go negative on certain applications. (Default option in the item sheet)
⚫ Unarmed: You cannot use WS to oppose attacks from Weapons with Average or longer Reach if you have no weapon.
⚫ Falling: Athletics test, Damage = (2 * Yards) – SL. Rules for falling purposefully unchanged
⚫ Criticals and Fumbles: A Critical Wound's Effects do not occur if the creature who performed it did not win the opposed test. Only the Wounds from the Critical are applied as normal. Fumbles are unaffected, you can still fumble when winning.
⚫ Outnumbering: At the end of their turn, a creature outnumbered X to 1 loses X advantage.
🟢 Broken: You do not gain the Fatigued Condition after losing a Broken Condition.
🟢 Prone: You are considered one range band farther away when determining ranged attacks.
🟢 Bleeding: Instead of immediately falling unconscious at 0 Wounds, you fall unconscious if you fail your Endurance to stay standing up (see 0 Wounds, below). Regardless of if you are unconscious or not, you have a 10% chance per Bleeding Condition to die from blood loss at the end of your turn if you are at 0 Wounds.
⚫ 0 Wounds: Instead of immediately falling prone at 0 Wounds, you must immediately make an Endurance Test to stay on your feet. Additionally, you must make an Endurance Test at the end of each of your turns to not fall prone.
🟢 Critical Wounds: When you take Damage past 0 Wounds, Add or Subtract 10 from the Critical Hit Table for every point of Damage past your Toughness Bonus.
Ex. I have 4 Wounds left, 50 Toughness. I take 12 Damage. That would go 8 past 0. With a TB of 5, that would result in a +30 to the rolled critical.
Ex. I have 4 Wounds left, 50 Toughness, I take 5 Damage. That would go 1 past 0. With a TB of 5, that would result in a -40 to the rolled critical.
🟢 Calculating Damage: Your individual SL isused to calculate damage done, not the opposed result SL.
🟢 Ranged Attack Modifiers: For every +10 modifier on a ranged attack, 1 Damage is subtracted, for every –10 modifier, 1 Damage is added. This rule also disables the "+0 if test modifier made you succeed" rule.
⚫ Dodging Ranged Attacks: You can dodge ranged attacks if you are aware of it and not Engaged. Otherwise, it is unopposed (but probably receives a penalty due to shooting into melee).
🔴 Two-Weapon Fighting: Anyone may attack with a weapon in their offhand as a Free Action. To do so, they must spend the weapon's Encumbrance in Advantage, minimum 1.
🔴 Frenzy: Whenever you lose Wounds, you can attempt a Willpower test to become subject to Frenzy. The test is Average (+20) if the wounds lost is greater than your TB. Additionally, you can use your Action to make a Willpower Test to inflict Damage to yourself equal to SL, bypassing TB and AP.
🔴 Fear: When you are subject to Fear, creatures causing that Fear can use the Intimidate skill to oppose any Action you perform against it, you receive -SL equal to the Fear Rating. Additionally, if you Fumble an Opposed Test against the source of fear, or they score a Critical, you gain a Broken Condition.
🟢 Advantage does not apply to Casting, but you do gain Advantage from successfully casting.
🟢 Advantage does add to Channelling.
The Swirling Winds:
⚫ The Winds modifier only applies to Channelling
Opposing Magic:
⚫ For all Magic Missiles,and other spells on a case by case basis, you can oppose it with Dodge, or some other skill subject to GM approval. Note that like other attacks, only individual SL is used to determine damage, so failing the Dodge doesn't increase damage.
🟢 Overcasting "spends" the SL used, so if the spell does damage, for each Overcast used, the spell does –2 Damage, and is easier to Dodge (see above Opposing Magic).
Ex. Dart casted at 6 SL for 10 Damage, overcasted 2 times, each of the 3 targets must Dodge, winning an opposed test against 2 SL, and upon losing they take6 Damage.
🟢 Using modified Miscast Tables
🟢 Rolling a 100 increases miscast severity by 1: Major Miscast when Casting or Catastrophic when Channelling.
⚫ Unless you reserve your previous turn's Action to Dispel, you cannot use an Action on the next turn after you make a Dispel attempt.
⚫ You are subject to Miscasts as if you are Casting.
⚫ Dispel rules are changed as follows: Make an Opposed Language (Magick) Test. If you succeed and win, you dispel the spell completely. If you fail your Test, nothing happens. However, if you either Fumble your Test, or succeed and lose the Opposed Test, the spell uses the SL of the Opposed Test to determine whether the casting was successful as normal.
(in short, failing your test does not help them unless you fumble. Succeeding your test does reduce their SL if you didn't win outright)
⚫ If you Critical your Language (Magick) Test to Dispel, any Critical effect on the spell is nullified. Additionally, one Overcast of the incoming spell is nullified for every SL you achieve (+0 no effect on Overcast), Dispeller's choice.
🟢 Partial Channeling: Channeling does not require you to reach a spell's CN. Instead, your Channeling SL reduces the CN, and you can cast with the reduced CN whenever you wish.
Ex. I am channeling a spell with a CN of8, and I have 5 SL in my Extended Test so far. I can cast the spell with a CN of 3, or continue Channeling.
🟢 Critical Channelling: If you successfullycast a spell from a Critical Channell, you add +SL equal to the spell's CN. These SL cannot be used to Overcast, only the SL generated in the test. If you fail the Casting Test, you miscast, or increase your miscast by 1.
Ex: You Critically Channel Great Fires of U'Zhul (CN10). You then successfully cast with an SL of +5, your SL is considered to be 15for the purposes of Damage, however, you can only overcast twice.
Why? Well, say you Critical Channel something RAW. Ask yourself, wouldn't it have been better to just Cast? I think some reward is necessary for Critical Casting.
🟢 Casting after Channeling: A failed casting counts as an interruption. You can keep the SLs channeled if this test is passed.
🔴 Catastrophic Manifestation: As part of those rules, a third level of Miscasts is introduced.
🔴 Altered Ingredients: Ingredients react differently depending on how you channel your magic through them. Before casting or channeling, you have to decide whether you want to use the ingredient for Power or Control. Ingredients are consumed even if a spell fails.
🔴 Power Component - Channeling: when used in a Channeling Test, the Power Component doubles the number of PS gained on passing the test (see Power Transfer).
⚫ Power Component - Casting: During a Cast Test, the Power Component allows you to flip the dice and alter the result of the test. However, if the value on the Unity die after reversing the Spellcasting Test exceeds your Willpower bonus, the energy bursts on you and releases a Minor Chaos Manifestation. (you need to manually edit the casting test result)
🔴 Control Component - Channeling and Casting: When used in a Channeling or Spell Casting Test, the control component acts as a fuse for out of control magic. Reduce the weight of one of the manifestations by one level: i.e., Catastrophic to Major, Major to Minor, or Minor to none.
🔴 Power Transfer: during Channeling, it is assumed that you are unloading excess PS beyond what is required harmlessly reducing the spell's health to 0. After performing the test, you may instead save the excess magical energy you have accumulated and apply it to the Transfer of Power when Casting a Spell. (Example: Bianca casts a spell with CN 3 and gains 7 SL; after casting a spell, she decides to collect an additional 4 SL for the effects of a Critical Cast.) But this extra power comes at a cost. If the Spell Casting Test fails, you will lose all energy and trigger a Minor Manifestation. Furthermore, any double or any roll ending in 0 for a Language (Magic) skill is treated as Bad Luck (i.e. 00, 99, 90, 88 etc), and any Bad Luck is treated as a Major Manifestation instead of a Minor.
🔴 Quick Casting: If you sacrifice Movement and all free actions, you can use your turn to quickly Channel and Cast a Spell in the same action. Because you are in a hurry, increase the weight of each Manifestation you evoke by one level (ie, From Minor to Major or Major to Catastrophic).
🟢 Various weapon changes (see below)
🟢 Penetrating: to Penetrating X, where the weapon ignores X AP.
🟢 Added Momentum Quality, Momentum can be given a value, such as Momentum (Penetrating, Impact), where you only gain the listed Qualities if you have Advantage.
🟢 Added Simple quality: weapon can be used with Melee (Basic) or its native weapon group
🟢 Shields: Shields provide AP and Critical Mitigation (see below) only if you succeeded in your defensive Test.
🟢 Slow: If you charge with a Slow weapon, you charge at the same time as you attack. Additionally, targets receive +1 SL only to Dodge
🟢 Slings: sling and staff-sling damage havebeen changed to SB + 2 and 3 respectively
🟢 Explosives: Uses the same rules for Blackpowder concerning targets testing Willpower to avoid gaining Broken. Additionally, missing with Explosives uses the Scatter table.
🟢 Critical Deflection: Changed to Critical Mitigation: Upon suffering a Critical, for each AP in the location, the Critical Wound roll is reduced by 10. If the resulting roll is negative, no Critical Wound is received. After the Critical Wound is resolved, the outermost layer of armor is damaged, its AP reduced by 1.
🟢 Ranged Weapons and Range Bands:
Ranged Weapons have been reworked.
A Ranged weapon defines its "Optimal" range.
Shortbow: Close
Bow: Medium
Longbow: Long
For each step away the target is from the weapon's optimal, the test receives a penalty
0 Steps : +20
1 Step : 0
2 Steps : -20
3 Steps : -40
4 Steps : -60
Ex: Longbow atShort range receives a –20 Penalty
🟢 Damage: Damage is not changed by relative size. Instead, use absolute size:
Tiny = Weapon Damage
Little = Weapon Damage
Small = Weapon Damage
Average = Weapon Damage
Large = Weapon Damage + SB, Hack
Enormous = Weapon Damage + 2*SB
Monstrous = Weapon Damage + 3*SB
⚫ Deathblow: Removed
⚫ Outnumbering: For every step larger than Medium, a creature counts as +1 creature for the sake of being outnumbered. Ex. You need 4 Average creatures to outnumber a Large creature
⚫ Advantage: Larger creatures only lose 1 Advantage from taking damage, unless it is a critical. If Advantage is lost from suffering a Critical Hit, the roll on the table takes a –20 modifier for every Advantage lost.
- Cavalry Hammer - Penetrating 3
- Foil & Rapier - Damage reduced by 1
- Knuckledusters - Added Undamaging
- Main Gauche & Swordbreaker - Availabilities flipped (not implemented yet)
- Halberd: Reach increased to Very Long, removed Defensive, add note: "Must choose either Hack or Impale"
- Spear: Reach reduced to Long, reduce damage by 1, add Defensive, add Simple (homebrew quality)
- Quarterstaff: Damage reduced by 2, add Simple (homebrew quality)
- Pick: Add Penetrating 2, reduce damage by 1, availability changed to Scarce (not implemented yet)
- Warhammer: Add Penetrating 2
- Hochland Long Rifle: Penetrating 2
- Handgun: Penetrating 2
- Pistol: Penetrating 1
- Elf Bow: Penetrating 1
- Longbow: Penetrating 1
- Heavy Crossbow: Penetrating 2
- Crossbow: Penetrating 1
- Repeater Handgun: Penetrating 1
- Sling: Change damage to SB + 2
- Staff Sling: Change damage to SB + 3
- Bullet and Powder: Penetrating +1
- Elf Arrow: Penetrating +2
Triggers: Creatures no longer spend Advantage to activate certain abilities.
Each Ability that used Advantage can now be assigned a Trigger, which is a number from 1-10. The harder the creature, the lower the trigger(s).
At any point the creature rolls a Test, if the ones die on that test is equal or greater than that number, it may use that ability any time before the end of its next turn.
The creature may only use Triggers a certain amount of times each round (total, not for each ability).
Average: 1
Large: 2
Gargantuan: 3
Monstrous: 4
Ex. A Troll has triggers for Stomp as 3 and Vomit as 7. If the Troll attacks (or defends, any Test applies) and rolls a 59, he can use either Stomp or Vomit immediately,or neither and save his Triggers for a better opportunity – but might waste them if it doesn't roll the right numbers again.
…alternatively just use the trait whenever you want.