Releases: Poobslag/turbofat
This release replaces the "Chit Chat/Play Level 1" overworld menus with different chat bubbles.
If a monster has a snack over their head, talking to them will launch a puzzle.
If a monster has a big exclamation over their head, talking to them will launch a conversation.
If a monster has an ellipsis over their head, they don't have much to say! But, you can still talk to them.
This release adds a few new friends to the overworld, and two new tunes!
They can't do much yet, but you can at least say hi. You might remember the purple one from the tutorials! He'll be your little companion throughout your adventure so he'll do his best to follow you around. Don't be mean by getting him stuck behind bushes! He hates that.
There's also two new songs. Not just any two songs, but the LAST two, the soundtrack is done for now! A catchy house track called "Chocolate Chipster" and a sort of trancey electronic track with a working title of "Glaze Glaze Glaze". Check em out!
This release adds customizable controls and three new songs!
The settings menu now includes a Keybinds tab. You can use the default guideline/WASD settings or customize your own keys. You can also change the joystick controls if you don't like the defaults.
There are also three new songs by Pete Ellison of Diskowarp Records. Some of these are crazy intense! There's only going to be a few more music updates, so enjoy them while they're still here. The soundtrack's almost done!
Lastly there are some small bug fixes, including one where where fat monsters made in the creature editor ended up skinny.
I've been hard at work creating assets and code for a cool colorful environment, hopefully I'll have something to show on that in a few weeks.
Just a tiny update this week with a few bugfixes!
Most importantly, this fixes a bug where the tutorials appeared to all be completed even if you hadn't played them before. But there are a few other smaller fixes and improvements. You might also notice the shadows and puzzle food look a little crisper now.
Milestone v0.11
What changed this week?
New combo tutorial! This tutorial explains how combos work, and walks the player through building a few big combos. Building combos is hard, so the tutorial is hard! Let me know if you have some feedback about making the tutorial more approachable.
New combo indicators! Clearing a line will now show a 3x, 4x, 5x as you build a combo. How high can you get?
New spooky monster parts! Skeleton eyes and goblin ears. Hope you enjoyed your halloween!
What changed in Milestone v0.11?
- New level select -- Click the cell phone button on the overworld to see the levels you can play.
- New levels -- About 15-20 levels are accessible through the overworld's cell phone button. Clear levels to unlock new levels!
- New community creatures -- About 20 recurring monsters who show up to your restaurant now and then, designed by members of the Discord community. Be careful how much you feed them!
- New tutorials -- Check out the 'Tutorials' button the main menu!
- New music -- Three new songs, and the song titles pop up as you play. The soundtrack's about 75% done, it's almost there!
- New creature parts -- About 10-20 new parts to stick on your monsters. Make them your own!
This release includes a brand new tutorial, some new music and new levels, and new creature parts as well! Woo!
A new tutorial explains how squish moves work, so check it out! The tutorial infrastructure is almost where can just crank out tutorials -- there's just one or two last things I want to add first. But soon!
There's two new songs, and the song titles will appear at the top of the screen as you play. The titles include cute little food puns and now you can call them by name instead of "that one song that goes like, you know..."
There's two new levels: "Accelerator" gets faster with each piece you drop, and "Veggie Patty" requires you to drop 80 pieces without dying! ...I want to add more interesting level gimmicks, but the tutorials felt more important so that people can at least wrap their head around the basics. But I'll get to the fun stuff soon!
There's some new spooky creature parts: skull masks and spider eyes for halloween! Get those spooky creatures submitted to the community discord and maybe I'll add them to the game!
Also a handful of bugfixes -- I made the creatures load faster in the previous release, but introduced a bunch of bugs. I changed it so it should run fast and be bug free! I also fixed a bug where creatures were wearing their glasses the wrong way. That was a fun one! Maybe backwards glasses are the cool new trend -- but Turbo Fat is not ready for them yet.
This release introduces some UI changes, including a fancy new background and a tutorial menu!
I've added a new animated wallpaper in some of the menus! I'll keep making some minor UI improvements over time to help the game start to feel more game-like. These grey buttons and drab menus won't be there forever!
You'll also notice some tutorial tweaks. As a side effect of these changes, you'll need to replay the first tutorial even if you've already cleared it. Sorry! But the tutorial dialog now appears in a smooshy dialog bubble similar to the other chat windows in the game, and the Tutorial button on the main menu now takes you to a level select which will eventually offer a variety of tutorials. I'm planning to add more this week!
You can now give your monsters a lizard tail. More creature parts are coming!
Also, whenever you dropped your combo in the puzzle mode there were a few dropped frames as the game loaded the new creature. I redesigned the creature loading logic to make this faster, so the puzzles should feel a little smoother now! However if you watch closely now and then, you might see the new creatures loading in and it'll look a little funny. For now it's a trade-off that I'm OK with, but later maybe I'll add a 'poof cloud' or something more visually appealing. What do you think?
This release includes some UI improvements, especially centered around the level select and tutorial!
The level select is now accessible through a cell phone menu in the upper-right corner of the overworld, or by pressing Tab. I've also added buttons for talking and bringing up the menu so that you don't have to use Z and Esc.
The tutorial has been streamlined. When you start the game for the first time, the tutorial starts up without needing to hit the "Start" button. It shows a little 'Good!' message each time you clear a section, and you're required to clear a box line to complete the tutorial. Hopefully this helps people understand the point of boxes, since before it was a little confusing.
This release also fixes some bugs with eyeglasses and headphones on certain creatures, and introduces toothy mouths! Have fun with them! I wanted to add another creature part today but I just ran out of time -- the first Sunday of every month is also the day that I do my development diary, which eats up a big chunk of my day. I'll have more parts for you next week!
This release adds a progression system, more new creature parts and another new song!
The Level Select screen (accessible from the 'L' button on the main menu) no longer lets you choose any stage you want -- you have to unlock levels by beating earlier levels. But as you beat stages, you unlock more stages to play. If you beat the last level in the first "world" you'll unlock a second world with harder stages.
There's some new creature parts including a variety of horns and sunglasses! There's a few visual issues with sunglasses and headphones clipping through certain kinds of noses or horns which I'll try to clean up soon, but these changes were too cute to leave out of this release!
There's a new drum and bass tune by Pete Ellison. Hope you enjoy it!